"If you are going to fight a war, do it effeciently, unremittingly, or don't do it at all--I'm not into ethics, I'm into effeciency."-Benjamin St. John, "Descent" by Peter Telep
Some of my favourite quotes come from the game Aquanox, which as a 3D underwater vehicular shooter, you may well know.
Quote from: CrashSome of my favourite quotes come from the game Aquanox, which as a 3D underwater vehicular shooter, you may well know.Honestly, I've always considered Aquanox to be an excellent example of how not to do voice acting. Besides the fantastic, dead-pan, emotionless delivery of the opening cutscene, the voice acting goes from bad to laughably bad to beyond laughably bad quite frequently. Still makes a pretty fun almost-6DOF shooter.If anyone hasn't played it, you can pick it up at Good Old Games for five bucks, I think. You'll definitely want to go back to Descent after playing it, but it's an enjoyable shoot-'em-up, nonetheless.