
Author Topic: Pyro Bot Changer (low-poly)  (Read 4609 times)

Offline Sapphirus

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Pyro Bot Changer (low-poly)
« on: April 06, 2014, 02:49:42 PM »

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Let me ask you- Are you tired of a regular ol' Pyro-GX or regular Pyro-GX Wannabes?  Well threat no more becuase we now have a Pyro Bot Changer... A Descent themed Transformer.  This just a low poly Prototype model (in a style of a G1 Transformers toy),  Yes I did edit MetalBeast's Pyro GX model (Sorry).  This is what happens if a Material Defender was a Transformer.  Note: The blue part is the visor
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Offline Pumo

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Re: Pyro Bot Changer (low-poly)
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2014, 11:15:19 AM »
Lol, interesting idea, that is pretty cool!  8)

Now, I know is a low poly version, but I would suggest to add more shapes in the legs part (if you can), to make it look more hi-tech mech stuff, as I feel they are too flat and cillindrical, IMHO (and that makes it look more like steampunk than hi-tech :P).

But taking that aside, it's a great concept!!  ;D
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Offline Sapphirus

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Re: Pyro Bot Changer (low-poly)
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 02:05:06 PM »
Lol, interesting idea, that is pretty cool!  8)

Now, I know is a low poly version, but I would suggest to add more shapes in the legs part (if you can), to make it look more hi-tech mech stuff, as I feel they are too flat and cillindrical, IMHO (and that makes it look more like steampunk than hi-tech :P).

But taking that aside, it's a great concept!!  ;D

Thanks for the criticism.  I used 3dsmax2014 Student Edition.  But I wouldn't consider Transformers mechs (they do look like mechs, though since their Precursors, Diaclone, are mechs) They are considered robotic beings from their home world of Cybertron.  I'll add more details to the legs and arms and make them less in par with G1/Diaclone toys.  I do love the G1 Mold of Optimus Prime and... I must've changed the subject.  Anyways, I'll make it more in par with the 2010-present Generations/Classics line
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