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Mess Hall / Re: Still Alive !!
« Last post by edaciousx on March 21, 2025, 07:59:14 AM »
i check in once every 5 years
Mess Hall / Re: Still Alive !!
« Last post by Sapphirus on February 19, 2025, 01:18:46 PM »
I am....  :)
I haven't played games in years and barely look at forums anymore but once a year or so I peek. I'm still riding in a helicopter but that's as close as I get to a pyro or games in general. Lets see, I'm married to Mr. Wonderful, no children, still live in the same house I grew up in and still believe humanism is the way of life.

Part of my childhood is here so I'm glad it's still kicking.....
Love you guys.


Congrats on the marriage, Bett'!
I'm alive guys, but mostly on R/Descent's Discord
(sorry for the plug below)

I finally got a job since Late 2023 at Walmart for Free Sampling
Mess Hall / Re: Still Alive !!
« Last post by PyroJockey on February 18, 2025, 12:17:59 PM »
Checking in
Mess Hall / Re: Still Alive !!
« Last post by VANGUARD on February 15, 2025, 05:11:06 PM »
None of my business I know, but if it's okay, how many years have you been married?

It is nice to have the same routine and/or place of residence for years.
Mess Hall / Re: Still Alive !!
« Last post by Bettina on February 13, 2025, 06:20:08 PM »
I am....  :)
I haven't played games in years and barely look at forums anymore but once a year or so I peek. I'm still riding in a helicopter but that's as close as I get to a pyro or games in general. Lets see, I'm married to Mr. Wonderful, no children, still live in the same house I grew up in and still believe humanism is the way of life.

Part of my childhood is here so I'm glad it's still kicking.....
Love you guys.

Mess Hall / Re: Still Alive !!
« Last post by VANGUARD on February 02, 2025, 05:52:41 AM »
Still here. And I played some of Overload just two days ago.

Although I did play some of Descent 1 & 2, I mainly enjoyed Descent 3 (offline and online).
Overload however, which clones 1 & 2 more, is an awesome game! It beats Doom in my book.

I will see in a month or so how I am going to feel when my wife gives birth to twins. I already have three kids now.
And I've been working on a better diet. It's not a New Years resolution, but something I have to do. My father died back in '09. He was diabetic and just ignored it. I don't want to go down the same path. So I know a lot have resolutions that fail in 3-5 weeks. Mine can't. I have to get better, I want to stick around a while and be with my family.

I miss the Descent 3 online days. They were a blast. Still, hands down, my favorite time gaming.
Mess Hall / Re: Still Alive !!
« Last post by akula65 on January 29, 2025, 10:31:33 AM »
Just barely.
Mess Hall / Re: Still Alive !!
« Last post by -<WillyP>- on January 28, 2025, 09:45:23 PM »
I am alive... but suffering from a toothache right now. >:(
Mess Hall / Re: Still Alive !!
« Last post by DarkWing on January 26, 2025, 08:44:36 AM »
Does any of us really know?
Mess Hall / Re: Still Alive !!
« Last post by Scyphi on January 26, 2025, 05:30:53 AM »
Well...I certainly think I am...
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