Planet Descent
Community => Mess Hall => Topic started by: Alieo on August 16, 2011, 10:31:37 AM
Which one is better and why?
Are You Descent?/Game15 Correlation (TAKE 2):;sa=item;id=610
or, Are You Descent/Game15 Correlation (TAKE 3):;sa=item;id=624
C'mon! 21 views and no opinions? Okay... then can we voice an opinion on the least worst one of the two? lol!
I was at work, couldn't really try it out.
Oh, I had an opinion, that is I didn't care for either and unless I did a careful a/b switch comparison, they sounded the same to me.
Yeah, they're both a bit too hard rock for me. I liked the melody, but it's nearly drowned out in all the rest of the tracks many sounds.
@Scyphi: Yeah, it was a hard one to do. You can hear Game15 much better in Take 2 than in Take 3. When I did Take 3, I had Game15 all the way at Volume Level 100 while Are You Descent was at Volume Level 7!!!
I like Take 2 best, but is sounds (to me) like that song being played by a "thrash band" and I don't really go for that style.
You guys recognize it though right? It's "Are You Descent?" from the Descent II Redbook Audio. Did most of ya pop in a different disc for background music when playing Descent II?
I only liked a select few of the Redbook songs, and "Are You Descent?" I do not believe is one of them.
I did recognize the song, though, although I was thinking D1 not D2.
Typically I play D2 with the midis turned on, not the Redbook.
I really enjoy most of the Redbook tracks. :)