Planet Descent
From the Front Page => Poll => Topic started by: -<WillyP>- on June 07, 2009, 05:28:44 AM
Well here is the first Poll... well, the first 'Front Page Poll', anyway. So what do you think? And post ideas for future Polls here, too.
NUMBERZero`s Ideas for Descent 4 Space Missions!
1. Start in asteroid belt, follow the (hopefully enhanced) Decoy, I mean Guidebot to keys found deep within asteroid bases. Fight ace pilot on the way to main battle station. Fly ito station, fight through it, destroy sub-systems to unlock reactor door, blow reactor, fly through exit, dodge asteroids and a few fighters to escape battle station`s blast zone.
2. Battle enemy fleet, desroying frigates, cruisers, etc. And destroying the flag ship frm the inside. (comment on wheather or not you want help or to go alone)
3. Going around to find and collect some special object left over in an asteroid field or a debris field.
3. All of the above
4. I`ll just leave a comment on which ones that I would like.
5. NO! Go away! I have no hope of a Descent 4 eventhough Zero is saying that Interplay has started a project! ;)
6. There should be no space missions.
7. Make the whole darn thing into Freespace! :P
Yeah the list is a little long so you might be able to just narrow it down by saying which game had the hardest boss.
Which is the hardest boss?
1. D1 Level 7 boss
2. D1 Final boss
3. D2 Level 4 boss (Red Fatty) I love that. ;)
4. D2 Level 8 boss (Water boss)
5. D2 Level 12 boss (Fire boss)
6. D2 Level 16 boss (Ice boss) Pure evil!!
7. D2 Level 20 boss (alien 1 boss)
8. D2 Level 24 boss (alien 1 boss)
9. D2 1st Vertigo boss (was there only one boss in Vertigo? Haven't played it yet. If not, get rid of this.)
10. D2 final Vertigo boss
11. D3 Level 3 boss (Super Thief)
12. D3 Level 6 boss (Homunculus) Did I spell that right? :P
13. D3 Level 12 boss (Dragon)
14. D3 Level 15 final boss (Hellion Assault Mech)
15. D3 Merc Level 4 boss (alien queen)
16. D3 Merc Level 7 final boss (insert name of big mini-boss here :P)
I think the Poll on the front is fine. To help it keep from getting (shall we way) "stale" ... I don't think there really any good reason for the Poll to always be Descent related. It could be about whatever is on our minds at the time. I mean, it's a Poll. We got questions, we want opinions. For the same reason not all the forums are restricted to Descent topics.
I reluctantly agree. I would rather see a Descent related poll, but not if it gets too stale. I'll post NZ,'s question as a poll, though.
Since I'm working on a boss for a D3 SP level, I'll start with D3... ;)
SO! How's that level coming along?
Video game movies. Which one should be made?
Kind of Descent related and kind of not.
1. Descent video game
2. Descent books
3. Fallout
4. Earthworm Jim
5. Metroid
6. Megaman
7. The Conduit (Darc and I know what this is. ;))
Mechwarrior (or BattleTech. kind of same thing)
This should (I hope) be a tough one since other people have their ideas about what a movie should be like and how it should work out with the given choices. Fell free to reccommend others, but try to vote anyway. :)
Sorry. No Halo on the list. They are already doing one based off of the first book.
I should become... POTD manager! Poll of the Day! XD
PlOTD Manager is cooler. ;)
How about 'PD Poll Master'?
PDPM lol.
Well then i want to be the POTDM! :P