
Audio File

Lion Drum Lion Drum 2 MIDI-V - Descent-man…
Lion Drum 2
Rather percussive.

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Sidhe Priest

  • Total Items: 232
  • Total Comments: 31
PostedDecember 18, 2010, 06:54:42 AM
Filesize4947 KB
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Duration: 02:09
Bit rate: 311 kbps
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  • Total Items: 198
  • Total Comments: 105
Comment #1 - Posted August 14, 2012, 01:26:02 PM
I think what your songs really need is more of a rhythm -- I'm not sure how to say it, except, a time signature.  They sound like they're written without any thought given to beats, or bars, quarter notes eighth notes half notes wholenotessixteenthnotesthirty-secondnotes...  I appreciate the rebellious nature of what you're doing -- but it doesn't sound rebellious, it sounds... I don't want to say lazy... but like someone who never bothered to understand music theory and thought they could be good at it anyway.  Arrogant, I guess.
It's too far in the rebellious extreme and it needs to be brought back a bit so that people can actually understand it and relate to it, and then they can appreciate it.  If you can't relate to it you can't enjoy it.

It's ok to do this kind of... for lack of a less negative word... nonsense, occasionally, but if you do it all the time it just puts people off, because then they have to make too much of an effort to listen to it... and because your musical identity has become it... they won't listen later, no matter what you do.  Because people like to enjoy things without having to try to enjoy them.

And I know, as an author, you always can relate to your own work.  But sometimes it's like if a pregnant woman had... kittens.  She might well be able to understand what they needed because they were still her children, but would anyone else?
Last Edited: August 16, 2012, 07:24:08 PM

Sidhe Priest

  • Total Items: 232
  • Total Comments: 31
Comment #2 - Posted September 06, 2012, 01:34:13 AM
It's not a song. It's just a silly drum run test. It wasn't even that satisfactory. This was here to demo the drum to someone else.
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