
Audio File

Out of the Ashes Timewinder Cogs
Theme of Level 2: Winding Back

Acid synths backed by a cello, nylon guitar, electric bass, and a prominent slapped bass.  The slapped bass was something I knew since I started this soundtrack that I wanted for the level 2 music; the title is another serpent reference, though not as obvious as the level 17 song.

Pirate-y  ;).

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Item Info


  • Total Items: 198
  • Total Comments: 105
PostedNovember 01, 2010, 08:58:37 PM
Filesize10231 KB
Rating 5 (1 vote) (Weighted average: 4.97)
Last EditedAugust 19, 2012, 09:16:44 AM
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Duration: 04:21
Bit rate: 320 kbps
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