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Daniel Jones Working #31

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  • Total Items: 8
  • Total Comments: 2
PostedOctober 13, 2010, 03:23:41 PM
Filesize3921 KB
FilenameDaniel Jones-Working #31.mp3
Rating 5 (1 vote) (Weighted average: 4.97)
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Duration: 03:20
Bit rate: 160 kbps
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  • Total Items: 157
  • Total Comments: 68
Comment #1 - Posted January 08, 2011, 08:31:22 PM
[FIRST POST ON PD! WOOH!] Hey what's up man? I'm a long time descent fanatic and stumbled upon your tunes and got the idea to add your songs along with some others have made into my Descent MP3 collection. These songs are a PERFECT fit for the "Descent: Lab Music" album I created. I also call it that because a lot of these songs are similar to the music you hear when the crime lab on the CSI shows are examining evidence. It has all your "Working" songs (Except one or more incomplete short ones, but I think it's just one.)

When I downloaded this, I didn't wanna just call it "Working #31." What comes to mind is, "Planting Explosives." What do you think? I also titled a few other "Working" songs:

#28 "Unauthorized Access" Gives the image of breaking into an unauthorized area and working quickly before you're discovered
#30 "Descent Universe" (because it taps into D1-3)
#31 "Planting Explosives" The sound illustrates someone on a mission covertly planting explosives around the mines.
#36 "Return to Wenl Mine" Wenl Mine got blown long ago, but in its ruins, this song takes us down the blown exit shaft of Old Wenl Mine and provides a look at how it's been rebuilt over the years.

Hope you like!

- Alieo
Last Edited: January 08, 2011, 11:38:11 PM
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