
Audio File

14. Hypergrown Jungle
The bonus track.
Kind of like War Sauce and Empty Track on the preliminary release of Never Look Down, if this gallery folder were an actual album this wouldn't be a part of the album proper.  The album proper is 13 tracks just like the Descent 2 Redbook CD (hint hint).

This was the third of the three songs that would become the groundwork for Killer Robots & Woodland Spirits.  It introduces one of the three main characters as well as the villains (or is it just one villain?), and though it was the third of the three songs in the order that I wrote them, it will actually be the first of them that you hear on the album.  Based heavily on the style of the midi songs from TNT Evilution (one of the Final Doom WADs for those who don't know) because I had wanted to do a song in that style for quite a while.  The intro is more similar to "Ghosts I-IV" by Nine Inch Nails though.  In fact there were a few people who told me this sounds particularly like NIN.

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  • Total Items: 198
  • Total Comments: 105
PostedJuly 11, 2013, 07:49:04 PM
Filesize11164 KB
FilenameHypergrown Jungle.mp3
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Duration: 04:45
Bit rate: 320 kbps
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