
Audio File

01. Echoic Resonance
This was the first song I recorded with my new mic.  The vocal quality was incredibly improved compared to my older work, far beyond my expectations.
It's a very keyboard-based song -- as in most of the instruments sound like variations on electric piano or well-known physical synths -- and the lyrics are a very transparent metaphor for a rant about humanity littering the world with their trash.  So I won't be offended if you take points off for political-agenda-ness.  But the melody is catchy!

If you want to see the lyrics, ask me in the thread or on the comments to this file.

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Item Info


  • Total Items: 198
  • Total Comments: 105
PostedJuly 10, 2013, 07:01:40 PM
Filesize9616 KB
FilenameEchoic Resonance.mp3
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Duration: 04:06
Bit rate: 320 kbps
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