
Author Topic: D2X-XL LAN problem  (Read 3574 times)

Offline PigmyRhino

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D2X-XL LAN problem
« on: December 14, 2011, 07:22:58 PM »
Hey guys, i posted this in the Descent2.de forums, but no one has gotten back to me yet so here we go, gonna try here :)

so me and my brother are trying to play D2X-XL locally. but its not working! we both have all the required files, as we can both play single player without any hiccups.

However, when i start a multiplayer game, my brother can see the game on the list, when he hits "JOIN NETWORK GAME". he hits it and waits, i start the game.

i spawn in the mine no problem, his just goes to a screen that says DOWNLOADING<DESCENT> (if we're in a D1 game) or DOWNLOADING<D2> (If we're in a D2 game)

how do i fix this?

any help is appreciated.

Your friendly neighborhood Rhinoceros


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