
Author Topic: PiggyDump lives.....  (Read 16002 times)

Offline Matthew

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Re: PiggyDump lives.....
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2011, 08:26:31 AM »
Is PiggyDump really the first progrma to open .PIG files? I thought there was like a half-dozen tools to do that on PD.com.

Offline SaladBadger

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Re: PiggyDump lives.....
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2011, 08:28:27 AM »
It's not the first tool that opens up the .PIG file. It's the first one that lets you access and edit the tablefile information, as far as I am aware, however.

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Re: PiggyDump lives.....
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2011, 09:34:10 PM »
...and there was not a half-dozen, there were only two: DTX and DTX II. :P

And DTX (for D1) only modifies textures, sounds and HOG files, not table files.
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Offline Sapphirus

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Re: PiggyDump lives.....
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2011, 12:34:33 PM »
*1 month bump*

soooooooo... What's the current status on this tool? (didn't mean to be picky)
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Offline SaladBadger

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Re: PiggyDump lives.....
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2011, 08:00:43 PM »
I'm still working on it off and on. Been a bit busy with
some other things
and registering for college classes though.

The code is getting a bit messy though, I fear I might have another rewrite coming up in the future...

Offline SaladBadger

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Re: PiggyDump lives.....
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2012, 02:24:59 PM »
I've been out of the modding loop for quite a long time now (my last post for this was in JULY? Egh. I feel like I'm getting old.), but I'm thinking of potentially coming back to it. But, I'm wondering what people care about more. I've been making this tool to edit Descent 1 simply as a proof of concept, so I'm wondering if I should focus more on getting stuff for Descent II working.

Another thing I'm considering is trying to port Devil to modern computers, and sprucing it up with stuff like better handing of levels with more cubes, a slightly more modern UI, and possibly even support for D2X-XL exclusive features. I put this thing up on the poll.

Also, I've come to the conclusion that POLYTRON is something I'd rather not have my users touch. If I was to add support for exporting Descent polymodels in a modern editor package like Blender, do you think anyone would use it? The production of low poly models in Blender is actually fairly easy, and it beats the approach where one lays down verts one at a time, and then group them into faces.

I'm hoping that I can live up to whatever goal I've set here, but I feel horribly unreliable and honestly quite terrible that I let this thing linger for so long.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 04:51:46 PM by InsanityBringer »

Offline Scyphi

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Re: PiggyDump lives.....
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2012, 03:12:33 PM »
I always wanted to give Devil a try, just to see what it was like, but after that, I wouldn't know if I'd ever use it. I am fairly content with DMBII...er...DLE-XP (seriously, is anyone still using DMBII anymore?). So...I don't even know why I brought it up.

Being familiar with Blender, though, I wouldn't be against for Descent polymodeling support for it or something similar, especially seeing I haven't been able to get POLYTRON to work in years anyway, not to mention the fact that I never really did quite figure out how to use it.
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Offline SaladBadger

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Re: PiggyDump lives.....
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2012, 07:54:41 AM »
Apparently I haven't managed to attract anyone to this thread to vote (would promises of pizza help?), so I think I'm just going to go on my gut instincts now and start working on Descent II Workshop. PiggyDump was fun, and I will return to it eventually, but I think for the moment I'm better off trying to put my effort into tweaking it to work with Descent 2.

As Scyphi mentioned, it is possible to map already, so the Devil stuff might be on hold (I doubt I have the skill to do it anyways yet), but I'm going to try to shoot for a Blender exporter that works with D2W, as soon as I boost my python knowledge some, and figure out how Blender does some stuff.


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