
Author Topic: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc  (Read 8165 times)

Offline blessu

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Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« on: September 15, 2011, 04:05:17 AM »
Dear boffins, have just got set up again for multi. In a nutshell I was playing on a wireless laptop (vista) until it died, have new set up now with XP etc, I have hooked it up with an ethernet cable from the router (wife has not found the hole I drilled in the wall yet hidden by a sofa) and am getting 100mbps steady (is that OK) have not played much yet mainly for testing set up but average ping is 45/50 up to 100/150 depending upon the servers (is that OK). Everything runs really well so I am quite pleased as I will never be a hotshot but am interested to learn about this stuff.

Can someone remind me what we type in during a game to check frame rates please?

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Re: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 08:06:09 AM »
First of all, the 100mpbs is your LAN speed, not your internet (unless you're paying like 500$ a month for internet), but if you're getting 50-150 ping that sounds fine to me. I've had worse.

Offline Foil

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Re: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 09:52:31 AM »
Yep, sounds like you have a good connect.

To check your framerate in-game, type 'frametime'.


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Re: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2011, 11:33:41 AM »
Our internet infrastructure is stoneage here in the UK. Massively underdeveloped.
Sounds like you've got a good connection there in comparison.

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Re: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2011, 04:29:55 AM »
When I first started playing D3 I was on dial up and the ping was often in the thousands, though I was usaually able to find plenty of game at a reasonable ping. But we are still talking hundreds, so anything on cable seems golden to me.  ;)
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Re: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2011, 04:37:25 AM »
Yep, back in the days of Quake3 and 56k, anything in the mid triple-figures was worth having, lol.
You clicked your mouse and a full second later your weapon fired.
The service providers hated it because of the number of requests it sent. The connection would drop all the time, presumably cos they booted you off.
It just seems unbelievable with ADSL now - like a different era.

Offline blessu

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Re: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 09:07:40 AM »
Our internet infrastructure is stoneage here in the UK. Massively underdeveloped.
Sounds like you've got a good connection there in comparison.
BT home hub 2.0 no complaints all things considered, all the bread snappers x 3 have lappys and also get good service


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Re: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2011, 10:21:23 AM »
We have the dreaded homehub2, lol. I like to use the local network to send files between my notebook and my server. The router claims to connect at 104Mbps and yet when you send a file within our network it goes at about 8Mbps.
That and the Homehub2 is shown to kick you from BT's network when you download what BT considers to be "too much" within a certain period.
It also has an undocumented security backdoor, allowing anyone with an intimate knowledge of the router to gain access into it.
Ours updated its firmware recently and it's become a lot more unstable and even more underperforming.

I wonder if the new homehub3 is any better.

Offline blessu

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Re: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2011, 02:03:18 PM »
Ours seems really stable but probably dont use in the same capacity as you do, spoke to one of the tech guys at BT and he said the new hub was not as good as the 2.0, apparantly they are having a few glitches with it...no doubt it will get better....but like everything else in this country it will take an age...

Offline Foil

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Re: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2011, 02:19:49 PM »
The router claims to connect at 104Mbps and yet when you send a file within our network it goes at about 8Mbps.

I think your router is connecting at 104mbit/s (104 megaBITS/second = 104/8 = 26 megaBYTES/s).  The drop from there is typically due to network and operating system overhead.


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Re: Ethernet/Transfer rates etc
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2011, 04:56:51 PM »
Honestly, when I wrote Mbps I meant just that. It connects at 104Mbits and it sends files at barely 1MByte (ie.: ~ 8Mbits) per second. Not very impressive, like I said.
What you were saying would be absolutely fine and definitely expectable of an N-wireless router. I understand why you're saying it but ... this Homehub is ridiculous.
I mean, one thing you have to note is that the network always runs at the speed of the slowest device connected to it and even at 104Mbps - that means only 52Mbps in one direction and 52 in the other in actual fact (as far as I've read).
The other thing is that stupidly the Homehub isn't even proper Wireless-N because of some absurd UK restriction on the power output of the antennas.


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