
Author Topic: BASSMIDI & Silverspring/Game17.mid  (Read 1909 times)

Offline Sidhe Priest

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BASSMIDI & Silverspring/Game17.mid
« on: July 19, 2011, 02:12:29 AM »
Doesn't sound so bad, then again, that might just be the sound interface :-P

The last version of Silverspring was never completed. The desktop PC broke down, so the Audigy-2 soundcard can't do anything. It was intended for Creative soundcards, so of course the BASSMIDI playback isn't the same. It's flatter, with the soft synth doing worse instrument separation. The hardware[ish] Creative synth engine has smoother sound with better ambience.

Anyway, a BASSMIDI version of Silverspring might be possible, though it's not likely to turn up soon.

Here's Game17.mid played by BASSMIDI in XMPlay without any extra effects.



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