
Author Topic: Run D3 from Quicktest with command line  (Read 10691 times)

Offline (LL)Atan

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Re: Run D3 from Quicktest with command line
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2009, 11:32:39 PM »
No, not really correct, just a word for a word...
You can't get the real meaning of a sentence just by translating one word.
But I don't think that we should try to do some lessons here, please remember what area this is, and let's focus to the topic again, if you can :)

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Re: Run D3 from Quicktest with command line
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2009, 05:16:59 AM »

Sorry, Planet descent has a tradition of rapid topic derailment. And we are trying hard to maintain that tradition here... ;) We've been known derail a topic in the first post.  :o

Anyway, I always assumed when using Quicktest you would still get the command line from D3, and never really gave it much thought. Do you use this feature to change your command line when test flying or does Quicktest bypass the command line?
Smart people look like crazy people to stupid people.

Offline (LL)Atan

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Re: Run D3 from Quicktest with command line
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2009, 09:19:10 AM »
Sorry, Planet descent has a tradition of rapid topic derailment. And we are trying hard to maintain that tradition here... We've been known derail a topic in the first post.
Well, I would prefer a place like 'Mess Hall' to make 'jokes or nonsense'. Not this Dev one here. If you may look back over the scene for the last 10-15 years you'll see why this might be an important fact.

You normally start your D3 with a click on the icon? What comes up? The launcher.
This one contains your command line if any. But if you test run D3 via Quicktest there is no launcher. You would run D3 without any command. This is the reason to enter the command line in Quicktest.

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Re: Run D3 from Quicktest with command line
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2009, 05:25:02 AM »
My apologies, Atan.  ;)

I tend to derail threads quite a bit, myself (probably a very bad example from a moderator).  :-\ We just... Tend to do that here, but we will make a greater effort to keep things on track in the more important areas of the forums, such as the development and technical forums.  ;)
I, for one, hope this is much, much more than a reconnaissance mission.


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