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Author Topic: Experimenting with stuff  (Read 4220 times)

Offline X-ray

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Experimenting with stuff
« on: March 25, 2011, 06:11:53 PM »
I was walking around and started wondering 'Do people choose thing over others because who made it or because how good is it?' So that's why this is here and feel free to post experiments you did. :)

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Re: Experimenting with stuff
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2011, 08:42:38 PM »
Well, generally I tend to choose things which are good to me (according to my own judgement) and I don't care who made it or where it came from, as long as it's good enough. :)

Of course, I may do exceptions but that's the main way I take.

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Offline Kaiaatzl

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Re: Experimenting with stuff
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 09:04:02 PM »
I try to do that too, I don't really care about companies or brands unless they've done something really bad and I want them to go out of business :cough: BP :cough:.  If I don't like the brand image, but I like the product, then there's no reason not to use it (Pepsi).  If I like the brand image but I don't like the product, I'm not going to waste my money.
But oil never gets my business anyway since I don't drive.

Whenever I find something that's really expensive, I usually have a friend or family member who has it, so if I ask nicely I can try before I buy (PSP).
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 09:07:47 PM by wazzazzle »

Offline Scyphi

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Re: Experimenting with stuff
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2011, 07:12:38 AM »
I'm not too picky about brands and the such either. It's really more about where I buy it from and what their prices and/or customer service is like over others.

For example, I generally try to avoid buying much of anything from K-Mart. Never been particularly fond of that supermarket franchise, but to be fair, it's more about our local K-Mart in particular. In all seriousness, it probably should've gone out of business years ago, but somehow it manages to hang in there with the trickle of customers it seems to be getting. It's one of those puzzles of life for me. Y'know, like why the universe exists, and what's the meaning the life, and why the heck this particular K-Mart hasn't gone out of business. Just the important questions to ponder, see. :P
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Re: Experimenting with stuff
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2011, 03:10:45 AM »
I chose recommend, but the stuff that is recommended is not always best. However, when you are not familiar with a product and don't know if it is good or bad, a recommendation from someone you trust is the best way to go. Because the question is why you get things, not why you keep them.

In the end you will keep and use the stuff you do because you feel it is the best.
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Offline Shroudeye

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Re: Experimenting with stuff
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2011, 08:56:47 AM »
Well, it depends on th "stuff" that I'm going to buy... But I look for quality first, then the price.


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Re: Experimenting with stuff
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2011, 06:24:22 AM »
usually I go by name brand. Sometimes I'll get it because it relates to something, regardless of name brand, unless that brand is really bad.

Offline X-ray

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Re: Experimenting with stuff
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2011, 04:50:11 AM »
I'm glad to see no one chose 'You made it'. I chose it's good. I don't care who the maker is unless it's some person I have a grudge against.

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Re: Experimenting with stuff
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2011, 11:12:10 AM »
Generally, I think "Who made it" and "How good it is" goes hand in hand. There are certain companies who you know made good products, and you buy things that they make because you assume that it will be good. For example, I tend to buy computer parts from companies other people have said are good, or companies I've had good experiences with, regardless of whether or not I know that specific product is good.


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