And she cheats the Thief-bot with that muscular Tubbs... which must be every female bots dream, no? Oh, I forgot. The Diamond Claw must be some granny that comes to you and says "HUG ME!!!"
And why is Europa portrayed as a smoky, fiery hell? It's Europa!
More than likely, the programmers just didn't do their research.
...[Europa] would have to be volcanically active in some shape or form, thus where your "fiery hell" could come from.
And as I recall (so my memory may be bad) the Europa levels weren't that volcanic. It was just in patches.
The D3 dragon bot looks more like an ant. Big fire-breathing ant.Anyway, the D3 music is really D1 music remixed. It's not that noticeable if you listen to MIDI files only, but a quality mix of, say, D1 Game01.mid and D3 level 1 show off that the notes are really the same, it's the tempo that's been altered.Also, D1 and D3 levels have similar gameflow/architecture. It's not that noticeable because D3 level 1 is larger than D1 level 1 and has outdoor areas, but technically it's very similar (start in an area 1, move by corridor to area 2 with a bonus and some light shooter bots, etc.). Same about level 2 - D3 level 2 has the music theme rehashed from D1 level 2, gameplay developed from D1 level 2, etc. D3 level 3 even has the same long horizontal/short vertical tunnel combinations as D1 level 3, and of course the soundtrack is derived from D1.D3 level 4 score and D1 Game04.mid are the same theme too, remixed Game06.mid for D3 level 6, etc. etc.