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More Custom Music changes to D2X-XL
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Topic: More Custom Music changes to D2X-XL (Read 5208 times)
Formerly "Texace12"
Posts: 799
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More Custom Music changes to D2X-XL
January 21, 2011, 01:24:17 PM »
I was wondering... I've been able to successfully change the music in my D2X-XL to *.ogg Descent Redbook Audio files and it's been working, but I've made it to the end of D1 Level 10 and decided to go to the secret exit and it's playing Level 2's MIDI again. Is there a command switch to change secret level music?
Also, I would like to know if there are any command switches to change the music for:
1) Exiting the mine... the music just stops but you hear explosions with not even the MIDI exit theme playing. I have an ogg of the cinematic exit theme from the D1 MAC version I'd like to use.
2) End Game... when you beat level 27 and it shows the debriefing, I'd like it to be able to play the cinematic D2 escape ogg file I have (It's instrumental so it doesn't have any of the cutscene dialogue from D2) I think that would be pretty cool.
3) Secret Levels... as listed above.
EDIT: Oops! Meant to post this in Technical. I'm just used to posting to the Mess Hall. My bad.
I like to think I have a Descent taste of music.
An unusual choice for ship's cat
Posts: 1918
beware of ounce
Re: More Custom Music changes to D2X-XL
Reply #1 on:
January 22, 2011, 11:12:47 PM »
Secret level music should use the playlist music the way standard D1/2 used the midi music (i.e. level 2 music for secret 1, etc) so I don't know what the problem is, it works perfectly on my end.
For your other questions: no there is no commandline for those, D2X-XL only supports music for briefing, menu, ingame, and credits music (i.e. what D2 uses). This is something I'd like added as well, but I haven't bothered to add a feature request because its so trivial (from most players' point of view anyway... you and I think differently) and would only be used in D1 levels (which aren't the main focus of D2X-XL).
It would be great if Karx could disprove me on any of these points though (he's the ultimate authority on his own program after all
That said, if you download this:
and extract it into your D2X-XL "movies" directory, you'll get the original intro, endgame, and escape movies from the Playstation version of D1. You can download the briefing audios too, but I've never got them to work... the only thing they do on my computer is prevent the intro briefing from playing after the intro movie
. You'll need 7-zip to extract the file, but if you don't have that program yet, you really should (it's
most awesome compression/extraction program imo, and it doesn't pop up annoying messages about buying like WinRar.)
Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 11:16:40 PM by wazzazzle
Formerly "Texace12"
Posts: 799
Former undertaker; current overtaker.
Re: More Custom Music changes to D2X-XL
Reply #2 on:
January 22, 2011, 11:28:36 PM »
Thanks Wazzazzle. Yeah you and I are Descent music purists! lol... And yes, I do have that 7-zip program. I was SO sick of winzip and how they'd change up the "Use evaluation version" and "Buy" button. Pissed me off. I'll download those movie files!
Since I've finally after several years for the first time got Descent, D2 and soon to be, D3 working again, I am going in order, starting with D1, D2, D2 Vertigo, then D2 TEW (Cuz it seems to fit before D3 since that Dravis character in those briefings (at least it looks like Dravis. is it?) If it is Dravis, it fits to play TEW before D3 because Dravis is still alive. Then I'll probably finish Vignettes, THEN do D3 and D3 Merc THEN start to itch about playing online after all that. With school and looking for a new job out of the grocery hell... *ahem* industry I mean, it'll probably be mid summer before I'm done with all that... IF I have any study discipline!
I think I'll go knock out D1 Lvl. S1 before I go to bed though. it's just annoying because, I have my music files all set, but the Game02 MIDI file is playing in Asteroid Secret Base. I was wanting it to be maybe my Level 2 OGG that I put in there, but it randomly decided to play the MIDI... hope Level 11 is back to normal!
I just thought of something just now though. You said that it "should use the music the way standard D1/2 used the MIDI music"... could it be conflicting itself because instead of 22 audios in my playlist, I have it set for 33? I know it won't get to play 28-33, but if I ever download a mission that has over 27, it's got new music until a fabled Level 34. I never did like reruns.
I like to think I have a Descent taste of music.
An unusual choice for ship's cat
Posts: 1918
beware of ounce
Re: More Custom Music changes to D2X-XL
Reply #3 on:
January 23, 2011, 09:05:39 AM »
TEW is a prequel to D1 actually
When you finish the mission you'll see.
I don't think the problem could be the number of songs on your playlist, I use playlists with a lot of different lengths and I don't encounter this problem.
Maybe its a bug in version .124, right now I'm using .121 and I haven't tried 124 yet.
Formerly "Texace12"
Posts: 799
Former undertaker; current overtaker.
Re: More Custom Music changes to D2X-XL
Reply #4 on:
January 24, 2011, 11:47:52 PM »
could it possibly be the -midifix command switch I put in my d2x.ini file??
I like to think I have a Descent taste of music.
An unusual choice for ship's cat
Posts: 1918
beware of ounce
Re: More Custom Music changes to D2X-XL
Reply #5 on:
January 25, 2011, 04:36:56 AM »
No that just stops the music volume from affecting the sound FX volume.
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More Custom Music changes to D2X-XL
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