
Author Topic: New soundtrack released for D2: The Enemy Within  (Read 7806 times)

Offline Kaiaatzl

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New soundtrack released for D2: The Enemy Within
« on: December 09, 2010, 12:20:19 PM »
Here it is: The new soundtrack to Descent 2: The Enemy Within.  Though most of the music was composed by Vertigo Fox, it also includes two "special mixes" of songs by R.a.M. Land (aka Pumo).

Features: Epic, 26 song soundtrack to one of the best Descent 2 missions ever created.
The soundtrack will work with either the "easy" or the "hard" mode of the mission.  Though if for some reason you have both modes in different folders in D2X-XL, it might only work with one of them.

Though the soundtrack was ostensibly made to be "D2X-XL" only, I've made sure it will work with D2X-Rebirth as well, though you'll have to do some "hoop-jumping" :P.

And here are the download links.  Because there is so much material in this soundtrack, it was split into two files.  Unfortunately the best hosting site I have access to right now is Mediafire, but you should be able to speed up the download somewhat by downloading both files at once.  Read on for installation instructions for both D2X-XL and D2X-Rebirth.

Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?u1b1oo1e101361z

Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?dua30s84kz34e48

You will need winrar or another archiver that supports rar files to extract it.

Here are the instructions for how to install it (the instructions are also in the readme file that is in both archives):

For D2X-XL

First, download both files.  If you only have the
first one it will probably crash XL after level 14,
and if you only have the second one it
won't work at all.

Extract both archives to your D2X-XL root
directory.  If there are any duplicate files,
overwrite, or not; even if I made a mistake,
both copies of whatever file should be identical.

Now the soundtrack should work out of the box.


For D2X-Rebirth (0.56 or later only)

Download both files and extract them to the same

When you fire up "The Enemy Within",
enable jukebox mode. point your
"Path to music used for levels" into the folder
mods/ewithin/music.  In the non-level music section,
point the credits theme into
Finally select the play order: One track per level.
Now the soundtrack should work.

Note that this soundtrack will not work with any
version of D2X-Rebirth earlier than 0.56.


Songs copyright 2010 by Vertigo Fox and 2007-2008 by R.a.M. Land,
depending on the song.
The album "Descent Dreams - The Enemy Within OST"
is copyright 2010 by Vertigo Fox.

Offline Pumo

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Re: New soundtrack released for D2: The Enemy Within
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2010, 12:53:53 PM »
As I already said on the other forums, this is great and I'm eager to test it out! :D
Sure it will make TEW even better!

Pumo Software main Website
- Pumo Mines current release: v1.1 (12 Levels)
R.a.M. Land official Website

Offline Sapphirus

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Re: New soundtrack released for D2: The Enemy Within
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2010, 09:20:10 PM »
Both of you did great with the soundtracks!
I really enjoyed them while playing TEW.
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Offline Kaiaatzl

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Re: New soundtrack released for D2: The Enemy Within
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2010, 09:50:52 PM »


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