
Author Topic: Announcement: Army of Haloon - The Secret Prototype  (Read 12083 times)

Offline Kaiaatzl

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Re: Announcement: Army of Haloon - The Secret Prototype
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2010, 08:41:41 AM »
What did you think of the music?  I worked especially hard on the songs for level 4 and level 5.

Offline Scyphi

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Re: Announcement: Army of Haloon - The Secret Prototype
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2010, 09:04:44 AM »
Oh yeah, forgot to mention the music...

To be perfectly honest, I didn't particularly care for it. There were great premises, but it always would seem to get stuck in a rut with JUST that premise, and got repetitious real fast.

In the grand scheme of things, though, while music certainly helps with a level's playability, it's also not necessarily vital for a good level. :)

Also forgot to mention that the whole level set reminded me a lot of the Windmine levels, only less colorful and with not so many mods implemented (and a simpler list of objectives :P).
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