
Author Topic: Black Prophecy XL (currently beta v1.131)  (Read 4103 times)

Offline Sapphirus

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Black Prophecy XL (currently beta v1.131)
« on: August 29, 2010, 05:05:11 PM »
A level set that was originally started in 2005 and originally released in late 2007.  It features more detailing within the levels, new robots (plus with some changes), new soundtrack (courtesy of AlterFox), 2 new bosses, 1 new "Sub-boss", 3 new secret levels, new puzzles, and several new sounds from Descent 3.  This is currently a beta so no briefing yet and it's not done yet!

Find it at the DMDB

here are some screenshots of the blue key's room in Level 2-

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Offline Sapphirus

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Re: Black Prophecy XL (currently beta v1.131)
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2011, 04:49:46 PM »
Quote from: Me at the descent2.de forum
I have redone the first video that I uploaded on youtube.
(annotations included)
The sounds are out of synce due to the recording trying to keep up with my laggy gameplay

I hope Dizzyrox, Novacron, and few others who made the D2X-XL hi-res textures doesn't mind if I modify the textures to match each of the descent 2 palette's texture colors (for example the hi-res floor water is GroupA, but for water palette levels, I made it match the 'water palette' water.  I hope I won't get into sooo much trouble for this. :away:

And I made a few of my own Hi-res textures for the mission.
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