
Author Topic: Hyperspace continuation  (Read 3011 times)

Offline Hunter

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Hyperspace continuation
« on: July 17, 2010, 05:44:55 PM »
I've recently resumed working on the single player project 'Hyperspace: Silent Fury' after a VERY long idle period, and will be posting updates on Sectorgame's forums. Seeing as the original PlanetDescent is gone, I will probably be only posting updates on SG from now on. And seeing as I have the time and the willpower to work on the project, it shouldn't be too long before it's ready for testing. I am also looking for some voice actors still - About half of the required cast have been found. There is mostly small parts remaining, and one main part. Head on over to Sectorgame here and check out the update thread which has the first screenshots - And be sure to post if you have an account! If you are interested in voicing a part for the campaign, drop me a private message.
Sectorgame.com - Descent and Freespace mods/levels.


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