
Author Topic: A Descent idea  (Read 4869 times)


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A Descent idea
« on: January 11, 2011, 07:20:52 AM »
    A few things to consider

    • I do NOT plan to actually write these stories or make them into any sort of movies or shows
    • I do NOT expect anyone to, unless willing to do so, write this in some story form
    • I do NOT expect anyone to, unless willing to do so, send this to anyone else to work on

    This is just for pure fun. I think alot, and sadly, this is where some of it goes. I have such a creative mind, it's almost scary.

    I was thinking of something more creative for story titles than just Descent. The one thing I lack creativity in, are titles.
    And believe it or not (you may believe it), coming up with a descent story was a hard one for me. Some I can do better, like Doom, Penumbra, or my own stories like the Vanguard series.
    This however, was tricky. A key thing, this is just me talking. I am no "expert", no "professional" in any field actually. I'll just say it anyways.
    Movies that are converted from game, doesn't and shouldn't have to be too much like the game. And why not have some changes? Before anyone points out I may have missed something or said something wrong, this is my idea. You're welcome to criticize, in good taste, but remember, this is just an idea. I do not plan to actually write this.
    If you want to share some ideas, feel free to.

    Story 1 - PTMC Headquarters

    Basically every story needs an intro. So here it is, the intro.
    I think the "out in the open" PTMC headquarters should be in some major city. This is some tall building. Lots of offices, workers.
    What is PTMC selling? Robots that can dig deeper into mines, clear pathways, in a sense, just perform tasks that may be too dangerous or too small an area for the average workers to get through.
    And we have the great Dravis who is basically the President of this company.
    There's always a motive. Right? Of Course!
    Dravis loves what the robots have been doing, and feel it's best to grow! Who wouldn't want more money? Yeah, they all think alike.
    Trouble? Workers are getting upset because robots are beginning to take over their jobs. There are also concerns about possible faulty robots that can endanger a persons life.
    Dravis doesn't like cuts, or no growth. Again, who would?
    With him behind the desk, he basically injects the robots with a virus. He changes the way they operate and they become violent.
    Robots start to go berserk, people are in pure chaos, and Dravis is no where to be found.
    Special teams, including our lovely hero from Descent, arm themselves for a battle.
    Turrets, mini-guns, flak guns, etc, are in position and firing at the robots, but it becomes a bit too severe.
    It's time for the ships! Pilots climb into the Pyro, Black Pyro, Magnum-AHT, and the Starhawk Interceptor (most commonly known as the Phoenix)
    Imagine some battle scenes. Black shark is done slightly different. It is basically one nasty shock wave, no sucking in robots. But obviously, still very deadly.
    Dravis' stronghold is found, and a small invasion begins there.
    Our hero (MD1032 is it?) is having problems with his ship and something bad happens (basically the ending of the D2 and beginning of D3 game, except for the "going into the sun and getting rescued" part) He then disappears.
    One finds Dravis and puts an end to his life.
    That Crisis is over. Dravis is dead, and no more robots can be infected, but MD1032 (may be wrong number) is no where to be found and the remaining robots have to be destroyed.

    Not sure how the second and most likely, the final story would go. In my head, I titled it "Prepare for Descent" which has more action, more with the ships, stuff like that, more Descent like, but not overly doing it.
    Most stories have some big boss, some grand person to kill. This doesn't. This probably is rare that in a second/final story, there are no big bosses (unless you want a robot to be a boss at the end, there's a thought). But even though Dravis is dead, doesn't mean that's the end of the burden.
    The MD1032 does find a way back to the others during a heated battle.
    Possible ending is a thief bot that grabs the virus and flies off with it. And before he could get his little body into a small area, a mass driver has been fired and hurts his little body :)
    virus capsule is broken in several pieces.

    I know it's stupid. The way I see it in my mind is sort of different than how it's probably written. I think Descent could be a movie, not saying it will happen though.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 07:28:56 AM by Vanguard/V2 »

Offline Scyphi

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Re: A Descent idea
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 10:20:29 AM »

Well, first I feel inclined to point out that, continuously-speaking, there was never any established evidence that Dravis and the PTMC ever created the virus, just that he took the original virus and modified it to use to his purposes after it started appearing. The virus's actual origins are never really provided in-game (my one and only biggest irk about the franchise).

But as you said, it doesn't HAVE to follow the game word for word, so I suppose some creative liberty can be taken.

Actually, as an aspiring writer myself, I've been putting a lot of thought into this sort of idea, trying to decide if it's even possible to pull off adequately and to please everyone, and one thing I decided is that it will be impossible to have any story based off Descent follow it word for word. And ideally, it'd work best if it starred more than just the one pilot, MD-1032, and instead more than one, possibly a whole squadron, to give each character someone to converse with while the story progresses. That in turn opens up the way for a lot of other ideas that one could use to expand on the story of Descent and use to further iron out the odd hiccup in the game's original story.

As for your ideas here, Vanguard, it's a good pitch, and would be adequate enough for someone to build off of to write, should anyone choose to. :)
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Offline Kaiaatzl

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Re: A Descent idea
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2011, 11:11:50 AM »
I like this idea, I might make a few changes if it were me but it's very good.

@Scyphi Even D3 really only had four major characters (MD, Dravis, Katelyn Harper, and Dr Sweitzer -- I suppose there were five if you include the beagle's dispatcher).  Everyone else who appeared was really just a throwaway (I think the one person apart from those four/five who appeared more than once was the Shuttle Serendipity pilot who "appeared" twice: level 2 and level 5).  Even then you just hear her voice.


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Re: A Descent idea
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2011, 11:22:55 AM »
Dravis doesn't like cuts, or no growth. Again, who would?
With him behind the desk, he basically injects the robots with a virus. He changes the way they operate and they become violent.
Robots start to go berserk, people are in pure chaos, and Dravis is no where to be found.

I apologize for not explaining myself well enough. Another reason I could never write. what I quoted up there was me saying Dravis was alone on this, and when it all went crazy, Dravis left (and Dravis is no where to be found).

I appreciate your feedback. I use to have my dad tell me some stuff a long time ago. and I think without someone pointing stuff out, what they like and dislike, one would never fell compelled to improve themselves.


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Re: A Descent idea
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2011, 11:24:49 AM »
I like this idea, I might make a few changes if it were me but it's very good.

You're open to say what you may like changed. All I ask are no put downs or insults, like I stink on ice, or go back to your cave monkey boy :)

Offline Alieo

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Re: A Descent idea
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2011, 08:19:24 PM »
Did MD-1032 EVER ever ever have an actual name in any of the published books? Also, in the vertigo series, there was an MD-10023.
I like to think I have a Descent taste of music.

Offline Scyphi

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Re: A Descent idea
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2011, 06:12:49 AM »
The novels published by Peter Telep do indeed provide a given name for MD; Benjamin or something like that. I dunno, I haven't read the books, but of course I've heard a fair deal about them in the Descent community.

@ wazzazzle: Exactly my point, any Descent story feels like it'd need more characters. I mean, for the first two games, it's just MD and Dravis, then in D3 Harper's thrown into the mix. Sweitzer doesn't count, he doesn't even get to say anything aloud in the whole game, and all the information learned from him is given to you second hand by Harper in the briefings (at least, I presume it's Harper that gives you the briefings). For something like Descent, though, it feels like more characters are needed. Not major ones, really, just a few to fill in some of the blanks, and I feel MD would need a few fellow pilot friends joining him in his fights in the mines (which, tactically speaking, makes more sense anyway).

But that's just my opinion. It's not like I'm expecting everyone to agree with me on that idea. :P
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Re: A Descent idea
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2011, 06:15:27 AM »
I agree, there would have to be more to it. thus is why I wrote this down in my post:

Special teams, including our lovely hero from Descent, arm themselves for a battle.


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