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IceWorld by Ron Lester
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Topic: IceWorld by Ron Lester (Read 16456 times)
Posts: 6
IceWorld by Ron Lester
May 13, 2010, 11:55:36 AM »
I know I have done this huge level before. But it has been some time. I get to the point where the ship is rescued finally. All of the known switches are used to take down the force fields and keys and have been collected. Now it is time for the destruction of the first reactor and using the guided missiles. There is a door I can't open that leads to the switch core and removing the force field to get the first reactor key. I have been through out all the tunnels making sure everything is done. I have destroyed the humongous robot on the terrain an retrieved the lava key and set the switch there. The two keys, the G-1 and the X-1 are left in my inventory. So, if some one would be so kind, to give me a tip. I would greatly appreciate it. Apparently I missed a tunnel, key or switch location.
Thanks for the help.
Posts: 167
Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #1 on:
May 13, 2010, 03:17:46 PM »
This is an ongoing bastard. There are at least three different versions of that level and each one has quite a lot of issues.
Mzero tried to fix and finalize the most recent version. I don't know how far she got with that.
I'm not 100 percent sure right now, but I don't think it is possible to complete the first two versions at all. As far as I remember, the scripts for the doors you have to shoot open with the guideds don't work correctly.
Lt. Commander
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Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #2 on:
May 13, 2010, 08:10:47 PM »
Let's consider the version that eagle1000 has. I'm pretty sure that I've probably seen it before, and I've yet to encounter a version of it that I wasn't able to complete (thus far).
Eagle1000, Where was it that you picked up IceWorld? I'll grab the same version and poke around at it.
Posts: 6
Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #3 on:
May 13, 2010, 09:12:58 PM »
I downloaded it from
I didn't know there were three different versions. I finished searching some old HDs of mine. I didn't see it. But I did see the Lord of the Rings set I downloaded awhile back. I have some of those levels saved. I do have another HD that I can't access at this time. I hope to recover it soon. I have checked all locations on the HD.
Thanks for checking Ice World out.
Posts: 6
Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #4 on:
May 13, 2010, 11:19:07 PM »
I just found a new version.
I can already tell it is different than the previous one up above. It has guide bot power up in the first room where you start from. I'll give this one a try and see how it goes. It is listed as Ice World 1.1 on that website.
Thanks for the help.
Purple Heart
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Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #5 on:
May 14, 2010, 05:32:41 AM »
IceWorld...yes there exists a version of that level that can be completed, as I have done it more than once (it's one of my favorite of Ron Lester's levels) but unfortunately, I always forget what to do at the very end. I eventually figure it out by poking around a bit in the level while in-game, though.
Try out the new version, and we'll see if we have better luck.
"I thought I had a great idea, but it never really took off. In fact, it didn't even get on the runway. I guess you could say it exploded in the hanger." -
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Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #6 on:
May 14, 2010, 09:58:49 AM »
Well, I tried the Ice World 1.1 version. All of the bugs are taken care of. However, it is getting the two reactors to blow and get out of there as quickly as possible. I have to be outside the tri-building and shoot two guided missiles. One to open the door, the second one to go inside and destroy the 1st reactor. Then you have 60 seconds to reach the 2nd reactor. You have to hit the reactor just once to blow it up. That takes down the force field to reach the exit key. The exit is behind the 2nd reactor. You have to use the after burner like crazy from the tri-building, fly across the landscape to the tunnel that leads lead directly to the 2nd reactor. I have tried it about six times. Disregard the countdown on the 2nd reactor. You are racing against the countdown on the 1st reactor. So far I've failed the mission each time.
However, you can blow up the second reactor, get the exit key and escape in time to complete mission. You just have to leave the 1st reactor alone.
This is what I think happened on the first version. The main bug is on the Lava Key. It didn't work in opening the door that leads to two more switches and use the guided missiles there.
Lt. Commander
Posts: 1108
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Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #7 on:
May 14, 2010, 03:24:53 PM »
So... It's worked out then?
I've played that one a few times so I'm guessing I've been using the 1.1 version (since I don't remember it now working for me).
Posts: 6
IceWorld by Ron Lester version 1 solved
Reply #8 on:
May 14, 2010, 09:41:16 PM »
I ran the first version of Ice World again. This time I saved the Lava Key until I actually need it. That means triggering all switches to take down all possible force fields before using the Lava Key.
I saved the game before capturing Lava Key. I noticed I had X-1 and G-1 keys already. I then cycled to show the guide bot on the top left corner of the screen. I captured the Lava Key. I still showed the two original keys. I fly to the door for the Lava Room. It didn't open by bumping or shooting it. I reopened the saved game. On a hunch I think there are two keys that are named the same. So I set it to G-1 before capturing the Lava Key. I fly directly to the Lava Door. Shooting at it won't open it. You have to bump it with your ship. Voila! the Lava Door opened. I still have X-1 and G-1 in the inventory. I then used the guided missiles to trigger the two switches there. I proceed to collect the reactor room key. It goes to Reactor #2 under the Tri-Building on the landscape. Bump the door again to open it. Take care of the bots and trigger the last switch found there. Get out of the Tri-building. Use 2 guided missiles to take care of Reactor #2. There is no count down for Reactor #2. Proceed to the cave where Reactor #1 is located. Hit it with a weapon or laser. Collect the key for the exit door. Again you have to bump the door to open and exit the level.
So, version 1.0 does work. I'll still try my patience and speed with the after burner on version 1.1.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Lt. Commander
Purple Heart
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Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #9 on:
May 18, 2010, 12:17:29 PM »
Should add that to the Guides Forum.
Smart people look like crazy people to stupid people.
Posts: 16
Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #10 on:
August 14, 2010, 04:05:29 PM »
Iceworld is one of my favourite missions.
There are two versions, 1.0 and 1.1.
Version 1.1 was available at levels4you but I think the download dont work no more.
This 1.1 version is available there now:
(or maybe it is the 1.0)
In version 1.1, there are more hills between the tri.building and the big hangar.
Both original versions have a map too big for multiplayer area. In coop, all objects located out of range cant be activated: bots dont move, you cant take powerups, switches dont work, you dont see other players.
I modified the level, turning rooms inside the multiplayer area, and now all the scripts are working. The mission can be completed in coop.
The modified version is available here:
Name is Zorb2 and not Iceworld because it is the original d3l name. Mission name in missions list will be IceworldV2.
I saw the scripts, the cpp was inside the mn3 file. After reactor 1 is deleted (one hit is enough for that), you have one minute to hit a switch and to go outside the reactor 1 room.
After reactor 2 is deleted, you have one minute to destroy the rock piles, take the key and exit the mine.
I did not changed the scripts.
I added soundsources, and the level was lit with a spacing of 1 by Thomas and Pete.
Try it
Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 08:41:27 AM by mzero
Posts: 6
Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #11 on:
August 15, 2010, 01:09:02 AM »
I tried your Iceworld Version 2. I get everything done until the last two reactors are needed to detonate. I make sure all of the paths are clear. When I detonate the reactor under the Tri-building. I have one minute to race across the landscape and get to the reactor in the cave. I chose the path via the hanger building. There are fewer hang ups along the path. To use the cave entrance to come in from the top of the cave is not smooth at all. You are wasting precious seconds. I switch to the vauss cannon. It is a quicker reaction to open doors. I have tried it ten times to get both reactors destroyed and get to the exit door. I fail each time by 5-10 seconds or so. The timer on the second reactor is independent of the first one you destroy. You are still trying to beat the first reactor you destroyed. You can also waste precious seconds in retrieving the key for the exit door. The screen shakes making it difficult to know which way is up or down.
But, other than that. The game works very well. Thank you.
Lt. Commander
Posts: 1108
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Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #12 on:
August 15, 2010, 06:42:06 AM »
All three versions are now available in the Files section here at PlanetDescent.net!
Version 1.0, Version 1.1, and mzero's modified version "V2"
Posts: 16
Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #13 on:
August 15, 2010, 09:29:41 AM »
Eagle1000, maybe you have one minute to reach reactor 2 after destroying reactor 1 because you do it with a guided? I think there is a trigger activated by player at reactor 1 room exit. If player goes out reactor 1 room within o ne minute after it is deleted and the switch is done, there is a message saying "you escaped the first reactor", or so, and you have plenty of time to go to reactor 2.
Posts: 11
Re: IceWorld by Ron Lester
Reply #14 on:
August 15, 2010, 10:30:31 AM »
Just to add to the confusion, yet another version of this level exists. Shiva modified Version 1.0 to make it compatible with Server on Demand and made it available as iceworldd.zip on his site (which can now be seen only through the Wayback Machine apparently):
Unfortunately, this version of the level can't be downloaded through the Wayback Machine, although I do have a copy in my archive.
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IceWorld by Ron Lester
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