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Topic: Work in Progress (Read 5927 times)
Posts: 130
Work in Progress
September 20, 2009, 09:32:03 AM »
The Graf Spee is defending herself..
She is a well armed fighter carrier and owns heavy radar guided long distance guns together with short range anti missile weapons. Last seems to work properly, after a long test phase, now. The main turrets are inside Turret bays which will move out the turrets if danger.
The whole Graf Spee can be shoot into several pieces but she own some self repair capabilities. Lot's of custom AI inside and not ready yet project, new ideas every day
Problem is the small amount of sub-modells which D3 is able to handle, need some workaround and to cut some things so D3 may ready to play that one.
I hope that this may be a fun level later, but who knows?
If possible I will make it COOP.
And by the way, Graf Spee is just a name, this one could be called Hindenburg or Enterprise or Orion. Call it as you like, this Boss will kill you
Ronin RedFox
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Re: Work in Progress
Reply #1 on:
September 20, 2009, 09:58:12 AM »
Wow, Thats awesome! Nice job! Cant wait to play it!
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Lt. Commander
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Re: Work in Progress
Reply #2 on:
September 20, 2009, 03:04:13 PM »
Sounds intriguing... is this part of MaS or is this an unrelated project?
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Purple Heart
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Re: Work in Progress
Reply #3 on:
September 21, 2009, 06:15:28 AM »
Sounds like it'd be a real fight for any player, can't wait to try it.
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Posts: 130
Re: Work in Progress
Reply #4 on:
September 21, 2009, 07:32:05 AM »
is this part of MaS or is this an unrelated project
I'm not pretty sure yet. It could fit into MaS but I don't know if (LL)Dark could really like it as part of his ideas about this level set. We discussed about, but with no result up to now.
And the other story is, MaS will def. be NO Coop level. We ever said, that there is just ONE Material Defender alone in tour mission. MaS is designed along that idea. It's produced eye candy, not frame-less as needed for Multiplayer.
You may remember that I told about this 'Bismark' idea long long ago elsewhere.
This Graf Spee level project is just an other project beside lot's of different ones. It's just to try out what I'm able to make
I did a lot of custom weapons in the mean time which never made it into MaS up to now. Maybe the Smartmine will
That's an typical example. This one works fine in Singleplayer but not in Multiplayer. So it is waiting for you inside MaS only...
But let's come back to Graf Spee. If this all could be done as I would like to do, then it would be easy to adapt similar things to MaS. But as I know Dark, the Ships and any object MUST be much more rounded then, speak eye candy
But for now I have to write the AI for my Thunderbirds fighter. I' try to let them fight in teams. They will own 2 new homing missiles and two guns. They will attack you, shoot their missiles and run 'home' to the carrier to be reloaded for the next attack. At least that's my plan
And.. how to program that the exploding shells will not hit the fighters..
Let's see if I can handle this goal later.
Posts: 642
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Re: Work in Progress
Reply #5 on:
September 21, 2009, 07:39:39 AM »
I'm very intrigued, and looking forward to whatever you come up with.
Lt. Commander
Posts: 1108
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Re: Work in Progress
Reply #6 on:
September 21, 2009, 08:57:19 PM »
I agree. You've got my interest piqued. Sounds
Posts: 524
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Re: Work in Progress
Reply #7 on:
September 21, 2009, 09:55:56 PM »
More awesome D3 mods by Atan? I will be waiting patiently, you can count on that.
I, for one, hope this is
much, much
more than a reconnaissance mission.
Posts: 130
Re: Work in Progress
Reply #8 on:
October 08, 2009, 08:36:33 AM »
Hm, sometimes -less- is -more- I believe.
I run into trouble with one of my anti missiles batteries now.
The laser guided gattlings are firing well, near 90% of incoming missiles are destroyed before reaching the carrier. It looked such nice that I build a new multi-turret Gattling which should bring lots of rounds in the air (space). All this rounds are exploding by automatically calculated distance in front of the target and around. If a blast is near enough the target (homing, concussion, mega etc.) it will destroy it. As said, this is working fine.
But too much exploding will decrease the frames too much. So I reduced this to a workable gun-count again. And now the trouble started. I must say, my new oof model turns my hair to white. I can't make this one to work properly, and I'm searching two weeks to isolate the problem now... So I asked Aldel (aloof) for info and some help with turret objects. Let's see if we can kill that cat next days
Posts: 130
Re: Work in Progress
Reply #9 on:
October 22, 2009, 08:08:46 AM »
No chance to make the turret on the left side work.
I/we couldn't figure it out why this construct will not work.
So I decided to build the gattling turret with two gattling guns and placed it a way it can defend up- and downside. All in all it works along my basic idea: There must be lots of Iron in the air...
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