
Author Topic: Great News from Sol Contingency!  (Read 6366 times)

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Great News from Sol Contingency!
« on: October 31, 2015, 05:37:56 PM »
The day has finally arrived. [size=150]It's release time![/size] Like a big rocket bound for the moon, we are going to release Sol Contingency: Proving Grounds in three stages.

1) The first is our CLOSED BETA starting Monday, November 2, limited to ~50 players.
2) We will follow up with a second, OPEN BETA phase around the middle of November.
3) After that, we're making the release official with the full, community-tested and rock solid final version of Proving Grounds.
4) And once that's done, it's time to get the next step of Sol-C kickstarted, with your help!

Since our crowdfunding campaign for the full version of Sol Contingency needs some time to be fully assembled, but we want to get the game into your hands, we have decided that this staged release is the best of both worlds: if you are a die-hard Sol-C fan, the closed beta may be your ticket in first, while everybody will get a shot at testing the open beta not much later. We want your feedback on the game and we want to see whether it stands the test of the many different machines it will be run on. After all, when we go about making the next version, we want to be sure you enjoy Proving Grounds for a long time!

"How can I get in to the closed beta?" you ask. Well, how about showing us that you're worth your salt by telling us how long you've been following us? Did you tell others about the project? Have you been an avid poster on our forum? Are you a dedicated server administrator willing to help people get started playing? Have you beta-tested a game before, do you own a YouTube channel or blog, or are you even from the press around the web and want to cover Proving Grounds?

If you can say "YES" to any of these questions, keep your eyes peeled for exact instructions on how to get in when we make the beta available on Monday! If you're a newcomer to Sol-C, the open beta will be for you -- no restrictions, everyone can participate, just hang in a few more days and we will be ready to give you a shot too.

Watch this space on Monday to see how this unfolds. Buckle up, pilots!

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Offline D2Disciple

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Re: Great News from Sol Contingency!
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2015, 04:44:34 AM »
Fantastic! I was actually beginning to think this project was spiraling towards the ground. Good to see that an open beta is on its way.  ;)
I, for one, hope this is much, much more than a reconnaissance mission.

Offline Scyphi

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Re: Great News from Sol Contingency!
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2015, 06:53:51 AM »
Yeah, kind of forgot about them with all the stuff DU's been busy doing, but pleased to see the project's not dead. Of course, they haven't been as upfront about their work like DU's been too, but to each their own. Very interested to see their "new approach" to the game since they lost the ability to mimic Descent too closely.
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