
Author Topic: D2X-XL is alive and kicking!  (Read 2194 times)

Offline karx-elf-erx

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D2X-XL is alive and kicking!
« on: June 17, 2014, 11:54:55 AM »

I don't know how many of you here are following D2X-XL development on Facebook or on my forum.

After having implemented Oculus Rift support in D2X-XL v1.17, D2X-XL development went into hibernation mode, me believing I was leaving a functioning and stable program behind.

Which was not the case. ::)

So I have been picking up work on D2X-XL again where I had left, and the result is what looks like a very stable new program version with a lot of improvements and bug fixes under the hood. I actually think this is the most stable and error free D2X-XL version I have ever created.

The only thing left I would like to look into again is multiplayer. I remember the last anarchy tests with up to 12 players in a level had gone very well, but a lot of time has passed and I just want to make sure everything is fine. There are also a bunch of (old) coop multiplayer bug reports in the D2X-XL tracker, so I would like to investigate that game mode, too.

There also is an up to date Linux version with a functioning make system and fully compilable code available again, and a new OS X version is almost done.

So if you liked D2X-XL but had trouble with it in the past, give it another shot - you might like what you'll be seeing. :-)


« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 12:00:35 PM by karx-elf-erx »

Offline Pumo

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Re: D2X-XL is alive and kicking!
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2014, 11:13:03 PM »
Always good to see D2X-XL alive and being improved, as it's still my favorite port!  ;D
I've downloaded latest version recently, and made some tests and it's working nicely overall!

I've reported a few small issues, but nothing big. D2X-XL is such a great program and the best way to play Descent. ;)
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Offline Scyphi

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Re: D2X-XL is alive and kicking!
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 06:27:03 AM »
I have to admit that I've kind of drifted away from D2X-XL over the years, but I'll keep that in mind, and again consider updating (or downloading...can't remember if I actually ever downloaded D2X-XL for this computer...hmm...)  :)
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