
Author Topic: Hey guys! Still here  (Read 2089 times)


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Hey guys! Still here
« on: June 07, 2014, 06:45:47 PM »
Well hello guys and gals, it's me again, Vanguard. I do occasionally come on here, seeing what is new with you guys, seeing the Descent series on Steam. No word from interplay I believe, right?

I have been busy!!! Since I started my job back in December of 2013, I have worked an average of 60 hours a week. Sometimes I feel as though I don't have time for much. Sundays are the only days I know I don't work. Next week, I am working Monday-Saturday from 6:00 am to 5:45 pm.
Not that I am complaining by any means, but back in February, someone contacted me on a dating site.
Although I don't normally contact people an hour or two away, I felt peace with this nice young lady, about 15 hours away.

We started with emailing each other on the dating site, to emailing each other off the site; texting, calling, exchanging pictures, videos, gifts, real cards (not digital), etc.
All has been going great. We even met and it was amazing! :D

I feel so wonderful with this nice sweet young lady. We both feel so much at peace and we're very content with each other. She plans to move here soon, so we can be close.

Between my job and talking with her often, I haven't been on here too often.  I'll do my best to come around, say hi, see what's new and all.
There are two pictures in my profile that shows us together.
She is also now on this site as BlueDolphin. She can be quite busy herself, but may make an appearance soon.

I think that is all for now. Hope all is well!



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