
Author Topic: Will GameSpy Multiplayer Shutting Down affect Descent 3?  (Read 2118 times)

Offline PyroJockey

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Will GameSpy Multiplayer Shutting Down affect Descent 3?
« on: April 07, 2014, 06:35:56 AM »

It has been announced that GLU Mobile, the company that took over the Powered By GameSpy matching service from IGN, will be shutting down on May 31, 2014. This affects on-line play for hundreds of games. I have long noted that servers for Descent 3, even after the demise of Parallax Online (PXO), were still being listed on GameSpy Arcade and various GameSpy trackers.

I know we use Vortex as a tracker and matching service, but I don't know the mechanics behind it. Is Vortex dependent on querying the GameSpy server master list? Is Decent Valhalla?

 Is this going to be a problem for Descent 3 on-line play when they shut it down?
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Re: Will GameSpy Multiplayer Shutting Down affect Descent 3?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2014, 06:40:36 PM »
While I'm not privvy to the workers of dv.com, Vortex is capable of querying both master.gamespy.com and d3.descent.cx trackers. Usually gamespy responds faster, at least in the US, but d3.descent.cx is plenty capable of continuing our enjoyment. Worry not!

Offline Foil

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Re: Will GameSpy Multiplayer Shutting Down affect Descent 3?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2014, 08:52:34 AM »
Yep, the d3.descent.cx and descentvalhalla trackers will continue to work.  :)


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