
Author Topic: Official Descent Desktop Theme  (Read 2157 times)

Offline Scyphi

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Official Descent Desktop Theme
« on: November 06, 2013, 03:19:28 PM »
So I was on Interplay's website, searching to see if there were any new indicators of them working on anything Descent related. By the way, as usual, nothing, not that I'm surprised.

But I found a technical support page for D1 that I decided to peruse for kicks, and was slightly surprised to find, way at the bottom of the page, a reference to some sort of official "Descent theme" in a section marked as "Themes, wallpapers and screen savers," suggesting that whatever it was (the link Interplay provides is, unsurprisingly, very dead), it was a Descent desktop theme for your computer, an official one, which I had never seen nor heard of before.

I was guessing it probably wasn't anything too special, and probably old enough that it won't work with today's modern computers, but I was still intrigued, so I did a Google search. The end result was this, which shows what the theme looks like without having to download it.

Like I thought, nothing too especially fancy, at least not in comparison to desktop themes of today, but still something neat I thought was cool to find that I don't recall seeing before. 8) (though that cursor seems familiar...maybe Techpro found it at one point, then only used the cursor for awhile thereafter...)
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Re: Official Descent Desktop Theme
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2013, 03:30:27 PM »
I remember using that theme on Win95! Ah, memories...


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