
Author Topic: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?  (Read 15921 times)

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Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
« Reply #60 on: October 21, 2013, 06:36:53 AM »
Yeah, I'm probably going to regret it later, but I have to side with Pumo on this in terms of the US's position on health care. It is true that we are among the best health care systems, but we are certainly not THE best. In fact, last time I checked, the Brits are actually seen to have the better health care, leaving the US starting to fall behind on health care, part of the reason why there was a push for health care reform that started all of this in the first place (that and for financial reasons that's debatedly a whole different ball park).

There's more I could say, but I don't see much point. In American politics it seems, when you favor one side, popular trend is to completely ignore the other, because it is "wrong" and will only "bring ruin to the country." Personally, I don't buy that. I like to try and look at the bigger picture if I can and consider more than one side where I can, which is why I get very frustrated with American politics, as this practice seems to becoming more and more of a minority, and sometimes I see and recognize things that others are not willing to because of this trend. So then I'm stuck, because there isn't much point in saying stuff people won't listen to, which is why I typically favor with the "leave me the heck out of it" political party.

Couple of us other Americans around here seem to be of roughly similar mentality, and I can't blame them. In fact, most have wisely kept out of this, which is what I should've done, but the...views...of certain details was starting to get to me (what I SHOULD'VE done was stopped reading the thread altogether, but I sometimes stupidly never do that).

Then there's Kai, who's Canadian and what he knows of American politics is probably all secondhand, as is usually the case of politics for countries that are not your own. Still, I like his outsider view of things. I think he sees more about our flawed systems than many Americans would care to admit to.

Speaking of Canada, and thus changing the topic (again), I heard on the radio today that you guys are passing some sort of law or something basically banning pre-packaged cable channels for TV, meaning customers will get to pick and chose what channels they want and don't want, or something like that. If so, I'm envious, I wish we had something like that state-side (which was why it was brought up on American news, so to discuss how unlikely it was something like that would happen in the US ::))
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