
Author Topic: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles  (Read 19822 times)

Offline Alieo

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Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« on: October 06, 2013, 09:55:44 PM »
I think we established that Brimble did almost, if not all, the Descent PSX/MAC Redbook tracks, but I've also seen an artist by the name of "Inn Sanity" credited to the same songs with different titles. Here's a link to someone's YouTube D1 MAC playlist using the titles on the left portion of the list below:

Primitive Rage = Primitive Rage

The Darkness of Space -> Ether in the Air
Get it On -> Robotic Menace
Fight -> Virtual Tension
Death Lurks Beneath (Think I had "What Lurks Beneath" confused with a Rob Zombie song when I mentioned this in the Box O'Helium.) -> Time for the Big Guns
C-4 Home Recipe -> Mystery Metal
Escape -> Hydraulic Pressure
Backwards Time -> Not That Button
Crazy Factory -> Industrial Accident
Machine Gun -> Overdrive
Insanity -> A Big Problem

Now, everywhere else you look, you're going to find all these songs with the titles on the right side of the list above accredited to Allister Brimble, which we pretty much know is the one that did these songs, unless he once went by "Inn Sanity?" But I'm just wondering where these alternative titles come from and who Inn Sanity is.
I like to think I have a Descent taste of music.

Offline Kaiaatzl

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2013, 06:22:47 AM »
Since we know for a fact Brimble did all of them except the Type O Negative and Skinny Puppy tracks, I'd be more likely to trust the list that actually gave his name.  Those song titles make a lot more sense (to me at least) for Descent songs anyhow.

But just for fun why don't you put the Skinny Puppy and Type O Negative tracks through those programs and see what each one comes up with? ;)

Offline Alieo

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2013, 03:02:31 PM »
I can't. Don't have a mic hooked up, and Windows 8 doesn't allow for stereo mix recording. My old computer could "hear" the song through "What-U-Hear" but on Windows 8, I'd need to shove a mic into the speakers. So how did I do those recent mash-ups I recorded? I think that only works in Virtual DJ.
I like to think I have a Descent taste of music.

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2013, 07:40:06 PM »
I can't. Don't have a mic hooked up, and Windows 8 doesn't allow for stereo mix recording. My old computer could "hear" the song through "What-U-Hear" but on Windows 8, I'd need to shove a mic into the speakers. So how did I do those recent mash-ups I recorded? I think that only works in Virtual DJ.
What? Are you sure? That seems really messed up for them to remove that.

Offline Scyphi

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2013, 05:31:49 AM »
I'll bet it's still there, just hidden away in some new location.

But I could be wrong.  :-\
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Offline Kaiaatzl

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2013, 06:04:35 AM »
That is the reason I thought Vista had removed it for the longest time...

Offline Scyphi

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2013, 06:26:24 AM »
Yeah, I had a hard time finding it (or at least a like-function/program) on my Windows 7 laptop for awhile too, but ultimately I found it, and after an even slightly longer period of time, figured out how to get it to work to my satisfaction.

It may also be a technology thing too, depending on what sort of sound card systems (or whatever) you have on your computer.

Question to Texace: Do you have Audacity? It might help you with this, and it's my program of choice when doing this sort of thing...
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Offline Alieo

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2013, 10:11:45 PM »
Yeah, and Audacity is completely useless for recording. Fine for cutting existing files, but recording new ones, forget it.
I like to think I have a Descent taste of music.

Offline Scyphi

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2013, 09:41:20 AM »
 ??? Really? Well that's weird...I'm assuming its useless in that it won't record at all? What's it output settings set to? What version is it? The only reason I can think of for Audacity to not being able to pull it off is either A: it's not set correctly to do so, or B: it can't find the right subsystems to record with, and the reasons for that would likely deal with the program itself.
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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2013, 02:53:23 PM »
I have used Audacity in the past for recording new files.

Or have I? Maybe I used Windows recorder.

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2013, 03:35:57 PM »
I've been using Audacity a lot recently, actually used it a few minutes ago. I am mostly raising the volume on some classical music, taking special note on the high notes, making sure it doesn't sound all muffled.

I love the software.

Offline Alieo

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2013, 08:49:14 PM »
SO does anyone here have Windows 8 and can use Audacity to record "Stereo Mix" or "What-U-Hear" sounds from, say, YouTube, or Winamp, or whatever device is playing?
I like to think I have a Descent taste of music.

Offline Scyphi

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2013, 05:55:43 AM »
Not to be naggy Texace, but I still want to know how exactly Audacity isn't pulling through for you, as I having trouble understanding why it might be doing so. As far as I know, there really shouldn't be any reason why it wouldn't, unless there's a problem with the program, or possibly the computer. Again, what are your Audacity output settings currently set at? And better still, what output settings does it list? Knowing what version it is might also be helpful.
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Offline Matthew

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2013, 03:44:02 PM »
The problem is that Windows 8 HAS no Stereo Mix option anymore, at least according to Google.

Offline Scyphi

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Re: Interchangable Names for D1 Redbook Titles
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2013, 06:51:10 AM »
That shouldn't stop Audacity, the new versions fully support use on Windows 8, including this function (I'm starting to think Texace might just have an outdated version, but then again, I'm not an expert, so I could be totally on the wrong track, so if so, I apologize for being presumptuous).

Either way, I did some digging, and found that it can still be done with a little additional set-up. Namely it seems to be all about just getting the right sound drivers set-up and active. This provides some insight on it in regards to Audacity, but by the sounds of it, most of this would apply to other like programs too.

This has additional details on the same subject, should the basics given above prove to not be enough.

I also know that for my personal program of Audacity (v2.0.3 on Windows 7) it has to have its output input device set to a "Microsoft Sound Mapper" (default sound driver that comes with Windows systems) "stereo mix" setting in order to record sounds as being played back on the computer, and even that might not be the best arrangement (for example, the sound is initially recorded as being very soft, but a quick "amplify" from Audacity's effects menu fixes that in short order. There's probably a better way to do it that I haven't bothered to look into, but hey, it still works. Still, I'm thinking that since I'm doing some digging anyway, might as well look into trying and find that "better arrangement"). Yes, this is Windows 7, but there seems to be enough similarities between 7 and 8 that what applies to one often applies to the other, so I feel it's worth mentioning anyway.

I would advice Texace to look into all of this, see if that helps. If not, then some more digging would be required, but I'm sure there is a way to get this to happen.

Techpro could probably help with this, he knows more about this sort thing than I do...where is he when ya need him? ::)

Also, IHateHackers, all the evidence I'm seeing suggests Windows 8 SHOULD still have the stereo mix option available, but it may just not be active, and you have to manually go in and activate it (which the information provided in the links above covers).

EDIT: Realized I had goofed on describing my own set-up for Audacity, fixed it now.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 07:10:44 AM by Scyphi »
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