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What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
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Topic: What does Crystalline fructose do to you? (Read 15929 times)
Posts: 1545
What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
October 01, 2013, 07:02:51 PM »
I understand this is a tricky conversation. Like "aspartame", some will say it's good, it's fine, don't worry; while other say "stay away from it!"
I have been drinking Vitamin Water for maybe a year or two. I don't consider it "healthy", mostly because of the calories/sugar, etc.. It's no health drink by any means.
But what does Crystalline fructose do to a person?
I have run to the bathroom for something; key word "run"; or #2. I have read somewhere that this may be the reason behind it. Problem is, some websites say it's good, some not; or they talk about something like that.
People go by what they want to hear, not so much by what is true. So maybe this question I am going to ask will help.
Has anyone had Vitamin Water or anything with Crystalline fructose and experience anything not quite right?
I had a bad episode with "aspartame", but I am not 100% over things yet. This Vitamin Water, compared to most drinks, is still something somewhat new in my diet.
Any help would be appreciated!
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Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #1 on:
October 02, 2013, 05:25:01 PM »
Never heard of it. But I will say, sometimes just 'something new' is, I think, enough to trigger the symptom you mention.
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Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #2 on:
October 02, 2013, 07:23:29 PM »
It seemed fine for a while, to drink Vitamin Water. I either didn't drink much, or any feelings/side effects I felt I may have ignored until after the aspartame episode.
Now, I'm more aware of how I feel.
I could drink Vitamin Water, but I don't think I want to.
Thanks WillyP for your advice. and may be the best. we are different, some can handle things some can't. something new affecting a person differently is a good sign it's no good.
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Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #3 on:
October 04, 2013, 04:18:53 PM »
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Actually, all that tells us is that there may be room for some concern, but my view of it is that until some conclusive evidence can be presented that it is truly harmful in any manner, it shouldn't hurt to keep using it, at least in moderation. Sounds like it'd just be easier to use regular sugar though, IMO.
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Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #4 on:
October 04, 2013, 04:59:35 PM »
I think when I didn't drink it too often, I may have felt better. When I depended on it more than just having soda, it may have gotten worse. I love pure water, and drink it daily when at work, and sometimes at home during the weekend.
We all react differently to things. Someone I worked with drinks Crystal Light a lot, didn't get to him. I did, and I panicked. I may be more sensitive to things.
Lt. Commander
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Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #5 on:
October 06, 2013, 07:06:22 AM »
Just plain water is all I drink. And coffee.
Smart people look like crazy people to stupid people.
Posts: 1545
Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #6 on:
October 06, 2013, 12:46:00 PM »
I have gone 30 days without soda. I did it without a drop, and I do mean ALL sodas. There were no exceptions, no diet, no de-caf, no "healthier alternative" if that kind of pop even exists.
I only had water daily, and 1 bottle of Vitamin Water a day.
I'm working on less soda, 2 or 3 cans a day. Still high, but now it's not Vitamin Water thrown into it as well.
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Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #7 on:
October 06, 2013, 10:06:38 PM »
Most foods found in our grocers' nowadays contain more chemicals than a high school chemistry lab. There's no need to put all these preservatives in our foods because of how fast we consume things. If you want preservatives, get some RTE meals for long-term 15 year shelf life in the event of a disaster, but try to eat as naturally as possible.
Easier said than done. I'm a cereal fiend, and those, even the organic ones, contain boatloads of chemicals and preservatives and whatnot. I think it's the government's way of population control... to give us cancer to counter the failing social security system. Heck, they've even come out recently and said salt is not only good for you, but essential in your diet; too little or too much, and your blood pressure will spin out of control... but it specifies SEA SALT, and not that Morton's table salt manufactured crap.
Sure food prices are going up, but most of the regular grocery stores items stay priced about the same. That's because they're loaded with unhealthy chemicals. Most of your natural foods are super super expensive, and that's because that's really what the cost of food is. Factory farming and bio-engineering of GMOs for consumption practices are at all time highs. How do you feed a lot of people really fast? Grow the food fast, whether you're growing plants or animals. After working at the Kroger customer care counter a couple of years ago and had a customer return pork that had a live tumor growing on it, I'd never buy meat from the local bog box supermarkets ever again. Local meat for me from now on please.
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Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #8 on:
October 07, 2013, 06:28:06 AM »
Umm... NaCl is always NaCl. It doesn't matter where it comes from as long as it's clean. And sea salt is just as likely to have some kind of extraction residue on it as anything that's made in a lab.
"Sea Salt" is a label people put on to make it sound natural, but it's not like it comes from a host of different plants and animals each with slightly different genes and slightly different chemical structures. NaCl is always NaCl.
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Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #9 on:
October 07, 2013, 06:40:54 AM »
Well, only for the most part. Table salt actually is processed with a few additives for either to help it from clumping, or to address various health concerns, etc. Sea salt, however, is truly raw and unprocessed salt, with none of that added stuff. Or at least so it should be. Whether or not the sea salt you can buy in stores actually IS that, I cannot say.
As for preservatives, I can agree that preservatives are perhaps used a little too excessively in the world, but, economically speaking, they are necessary, otherwise those foodstuffs would barely keep long enough to go from wherever it is that they are grown/made to store shelves to be bought. If most of your product goes bad before it can even be bought by consumers, then that's obviously bad for business.
Could we still do with less preservatives? Probably. But it's still a subject of much debate on whether or not most of these preservatives are actually causing any harm to anybody, so until it's settled among the majority that they are, businesses going to keep on using them.
"I thought I had a great idea, but it never really took off. In fact, it didn't even get on the runway. I guess you could say it exploded in the hanger." -
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Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #10 on:
October 07, 2013, 07:53:27 AM »
eh, my point is that manufactured doesn't automatically mean bad for you and natural doesn't automatically mean good for you. Processed cheese is still better for you than all-natural cyanide XD. The process of evaporation that separates sea salt from water also separates everything else that was dissolved in the water. So either it's chemically sanitized or when you eat all-natural sea salt you're also eating all-natural dolphin pee and other things. Either way it's not so simple.
My other point is that Sodium Chloride itself -- not counting additives -- is just as good for you no matter where it comes from, because it doesn't have any molecular differences from place to place, like living things do.
Posts: 1545
Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #11 on:
October 07, 2013, 10:39:40 AM »
amazing how bad things are, and what they accept.
An unusual choice for ship's cat
Posts: 1918
beware of ounce
Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #12 on:
October 07, 2013, 12:44:25 PM »
Sometimes the only choice is between one bad thing and another. When that happens you can't fault people for choosing. It doesn't mean they've accepted it
Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 12:46:40 PM by Kaiaatzel
Posts: 1545
Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #13 on:
October 07, 2013, 01:19:28 PM »
speaking of government, just got a letter in the mail today that i have to pick Obamacare or be penalized. not doing anything wrong, but will be fined.
An unusual choice for ship's cat
Posts: 1918
beware of ounce
Re: What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
Reply #14 on:
October 07, 2013, 01:30:24 PM »
Please don't put words in my snout.
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What does Crystalline fructose do to you?
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