
Author Topic: D1 Anarchy: Sound of White Noise  (Read 2471 times)

Offline Naphtha

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D1 Anarchy: Sound of White Noise
« on: May 17, 2013, 09:36:32 AM »
Two new multiplayer levels back-to-back yet again.  I don't know how things keep happening like this, but there you have it! :lol: Actually, this level was a very quick build that was inspired by a 1v1 with Birddog in Arbiter Grounds, with an observation about a particular section that had several fans close together.  He was having trouble hearing me across the level, which inspired the simple concept behind Sound of White Noise...

Very techbase level with a sterile, borderline creepy feel to it.  Noise-filtering fans are everywhere in the level, and there's practically no spot that's more than three cubes away from at least one moving fan.  The design was fairly simple with two wide open rooms and a couple connective corridors stacked as two floors, and there are absolutely no doors to make it even easier to travel across the entire level silently.  The concept should add a nice strategic element to a 1v1 that lets you sneak up on your opponent easily if the sound doesn't drive you nuts! :P Definitely a 1v1-oriented map, but due to its wide open layout and weapons loadout, up to five or maybe six players should be able to dogfight in this level comfortably.  Custom MIDI music from Doom II, and custom textures provided by Blarget.

I do want to release a D2 version of this map, but for now, it's D1-only.  The reason is that when you respawn in the D2 version, all the fans go silent, which only happens in D2 for some reason (and the number of fans across both versions is identical, so it shouldn't be an engine overload).  I'll have to bring this up with Zico and see if he can do something about it, but until then, the D2 version will not be released.

Weapons loadout for the level:
-4 Quad Laser upgrades
-8 Laser level upgrades
-4 Vulcan Cannons
-2 Spreadfire Cannons
-3 Plasma Cannons
-2 Fusion Cannons
-4 Homing Missiles
-8 Proximity Mines
-4 Smart Missiles
-10,000 Vulcan Ammo rounds

Download the level here:

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