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Topic: The Latest on Dot Com and GameSpy (Read 3912 times)
Posts: 524
Deal with it.
The Latest on Dot Com and GameSpy
May 01, 2009, 08:34:23 AM »
Well, the news is in. I'm sure you all know this unless Commander here hasn't seen it yet.
Soupe Du Jour @ Dot Com
I sense that Gamespy will probably stick to their word on this one. They get ad revenue, yes, but the traffic is most likely too low to warrant keeping the site around.
Even so, this could be a blessing in disguise. I most certainly hate to see our highly customized, well-oiled forums go down the drain like this; but even at that they are in disrepair. Most of our moderators are either gone or only show up very occasionally, and BBCode has become powerful enough to basically eliminate the need for the HTML that has opened us up for some annoying trolling attacks.
As TechPro said, I suppose that the popularity of these forums depend on what happens to the Dot Com site. That said, I have to wonder if GameSpy will continue owning the domain, because if they do not, then there is a possibility of a new site being opened under the Dot Com domain. Nevertheless, that would cost more than a little money and time, and with a slick site design, I figure this site is as good as any to make a haven for us.
To that end, I would have to commend you on your good timing in opening this site, Commander.
Otherwise, the future of PD is unknown to me. I am not a PD staffer, moderator, or administrator in any way. I am sure that TechPro has more information he may or may not be able to share; I merely report the news here.
Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 08:41:07 AM by D2Junkie
I, for one, hope this is
much, much
more than a reconnaissance mission.
Lt. Commander
Purple Heart
Posts: 2376
I can haz personal text?
Re: The Latest on Dot Com and GameSpy
Reply #1 on:
May 01, 2009, 03:11:16 PM »
Personally, I think the writing has been on the wall for some time.
Smart people look like crazy people to stupid people.
Posts: 524
Deal with it.
Re: The Latest on Dot Com and GameSpy
Reply #2 on:
May 01, 2009, 05:14:44 PM »
I agree. Even if we held out for help, there's still no denying the frustration that comes from having so many limitations placed on your posts on the Dot Com forums. Furthermore, there are no promises as to how many new errors may crop up in the time we have remaining before GameSpy cuts us off completely.
I, for one, hope this is
much, much
more than a reconnaissance mission.
Lt. Commander
Purple Heart
Posts: 2376
I can haz personal text?
Re: The Latest on Dot Com and GameSpy
Reply #3 on:
May 02, 2009, 10:14:28 AM »
I don't believe they are really errors, anyway... I think it is IGN's anti comment spam measures, settings done in the server to prevent spam and other inappropriate posting in GameSpy's own comment sections. Spam has become such a huge problem!
But with Asrale's recent comment, I believe IGN, like most businesses these days, is looking to cut expenses now, and apparently with low clickthru on ads, PD.com is seen as a cost rather than revenue.
Of course, that is conjecture, and like TopGun pointed out, only time will tell what is really going to happen. But I disagree on his wait and see approach, I prefer to be proactive, which is why I am here. The writing is on the wall, and now is the time to do something about it. Perhaps someone could see a soupe topic in that...
Smart people look like crazy people to stupid people.
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