
Author Topic: Need help with wireless card on a PCLinuxOS  (Read 8932 times)


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Need help with wireless card on a PCLinuxOS
« on: January 24, 2013, 09:39:36 AM »
I understand this is a small forum, and so few on linux, but I have been on PCLinuxOS, linuxquestions & linuxhelp with 0 replies.

So basically, I need help setting up a wireless card; an AZIO AWD154 802.11G 54MB WIRELESS PCI.

I am running PCLinuxOS, August 2012 edition. I have purchased a PC desktop with PCLinuxOS preinstalled and a wireless card that I had purchased from the company.

One person in another forum believes this works well with my computer, but so far, I am not getting anywhere.

The card won't show up at all. Checking network center, it only shows the Ethernet, but no wireless.

the guy from the other forum gave me a file to download, some rtl-8187 tar bz I believe.
I have installed it, and tried to run it, but it basically failed.

If anyone can help me, step by step to get it going, I'd greatly appreciate it! wireless and linux is not my specialty.


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Re: Need help with wireless card on a PCLinuxOS
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2013, 11:50:07 AM »
Sounds like you bought the machine and the card from the same company? If so I would contact them and they should either be able to help you... or take the card back.
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Re: Need help with wireless card on a PCLinuxOS
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2013, 12:01:45 PM »
I contacted them a few hours back, and they replied.
They ran out of the cards that was shown on the site. they installed the card in the machine, no box, so I have been giving out the wrong info, therefore getting help on the wrong card.

As soon as I can today, I will work on it. The seller did also send a link or two on what to do, so it should go well. I hope...


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