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Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis + Vengeance - My Version Descent 4.
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Topic: Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis + Vengeance - My Version Descent 4. (Read 5887 times)
Posts: 41
Largest of all Mosasaurs
Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis + Vengeance - My Version Descent 4.
July 26, 2013, 11:30:29 AM »
Hi all
As member from Open Descent Foundation aka ODF, I was their role script writer for their project's storyline, I named the main story Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis and also wrote a mission pack called Flight: Back Vengeance.
You can find my work here at Descent Task Force, where I have protected it from loss:
Hereby I am giving this to the Descent community and I hope it will be used my a level creator someday for a Descent 3 campaign or Descent 2 campaign for D2X-XL, which will play like a Descent 4.
Well it was my version of it anyways, I copied no one's idea with it, I read the Peter Telep books, Played the campaigns of Descent 1 through 3 and then went to work after where Descent 3 Retribution left off.
So yeah, it's all my own work and own creation, all written by myself, I hope someone here could put it to great use
That entire role script took me about 20 weeks in total to write.
Most know me as Obi-Wan Kenobi from the interplay forums and as Holder of The World's Largest Descent/Freespace Collection which also can be found here:
Many thanks for reading
Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 08:10:38 PM by Tylosaurus
Posts: 1275
Re: Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis + Vengeance - My Version Descent 4.
Reply #1 on:
July 26, 2013, 11:40:10 PM »
I can't imagine myself ever having the patience (or creativity) to sit down and create an entirely level set, but it's always great to see people giving to the community at large, especially without being asked. Thanks!
Posts: 41
Largest of all Mosasaurs
Re: Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis + Vengeance - My Version Descent 4.
Reply #2 on:
July 27, 2013, 07:17:35 AM »
No worries man I did this when I was collecting the game series that I reached some point that there were not many itmes to find, I was so in to Descent 4 that I wanted to write my own version of it before I would not be able to do that any more, everything fell to it's place.
But about 4 weeks after that I had a medium concussion and now I don't seem to have the ability to do such things any more, I even have lost some things I used to know even I have no idea what they were. Oh well it was a long time ago I did know I wrote that role script but I don't think I can complete the third part which would be the Mercenary chapter which I named Flight back: Unorthodox.
This would be the sequel to Descent 3: Mercenary.
I tried getting storyline info from Descent 2 Vertigo & Descent 3 Mercenary, but this was much harder to work on, I hope I can complete it someday though, to make a start is always hard, oce you have a start things just fall in to place, well they used to heh.
But yeah this is my gift towards the entire Descent community, as I owe you guys one too, after collecting almost every original Descent & Freespace game, I just wanted to make a D4 of my own, as back then I never had read theoriginal Descent IV: Invasion rolescript, so instead I wrote to what I thought would of taken place directly after Descent 3.
Last Edit: July 27, 2013, 07:19:25 AM by Tylosaurus
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Re: Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis + Vengeance - My Version Descent 4.
Reply #3 on:
July 27, 2013, 09:47:22 AM »
Briefly perused it. Not too bad, reminds me of my own previous attempts to do likewise...with similar lack of success.
One of my biggest problems is simply I lack the time to do such a large project, and not enough interest to forgo working on other projects dearer to my heart just so to make it a reality.
Still, if somebody around here will build it, I'll play it.
"I thought I had a great idea, but it never really took off. In fact, it didn't even get on the runway. I guess you could say it exploded in the hanger." -
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Re: Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis + Vengeance - My Version Descent 4.
Reply #4 on:
July 28, 2013, 07:07:41 AM »
It's a considerable investment of time to build even one level. Of course, there's always time to play a new mission, but to commit months or even years of spare time to building is a whole different story.
I have to say, my own D3 project stalled largely due to lack of motivation and inspiration.
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Purple Heart
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Re: Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis + Vengeance - My Version Descent 4.
Reply #5 on:
July 28, 2013, 10:50:54 AM »
My problem is that I have all of the inspiration and none of the motivation.
Seriously, I have no shortage of ideas for Descent levels for every game. It's just finding the time and energy to DO IT.
One of these years, though, I'm going to find it in me to build and release
"I thought I had a great idea, but it never really took off. In fact, it didn't even get on the runway. I guess you could say it exploded in the hanger." -
Calvin and Hobbes
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Posts: 41
Largest of all Mosasaurs
Re: Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis + Vengeance - My Version Descent 4.
Reply #6 on:
July 29, 2013, 03:31:39 PM »
Oh well I am not trying to force any of you to use my story, really that isn't my plan here :X, I post it here for the ones that seek a good storyline if they every plan on making a D4.
It's my gift towards the entire Descent community
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Flight Back: The Aftermath of Samuel Dravis + Vengeance - My Version Descent 4.
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