
Author Topic: Ascent to UDK  (Read 2734 times)

Offline TheAscentProject

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Ascent to UDK
« on: November 02, 2012, 01:39:56 PM »
See what I did there?

Time for some exciting news:

As many of you might have heard by now, fellow Material Defender MadMax1998 just made quite a splash in the gaming community with the announcement of his Descent to UDK project.
He kindly contacted me asking if I would be interested in joining his project as a 3D modeler, remaking the original Descent I bots (as I have been doing with those in Descent II) to be used in his game.

Of course, I was more than happy to accept and become part of this promising revival!

Max and I have been communicating pretty much daily, he's a bit overwhelmed at the moment trying to get through the barrage of fanmail, messages, and support since his original announcement of the project but, worry not because soon enough we will have defined some kind of workflow and development will commence. And it couldn't have been at a more opportune time really, my semester ends in about 3 weeks – leaving me with some solid chunks of time to dedicate to this endeavor. Needless to say, you can expect nothing but the very best that I can possibly give here.

That said, what does this all mean as far as The Ascent Project goes? I would like to say that I'll be working on both projects at the same time but I'm unsure if that is actually possible. Perhaps I will just fold T.A.P. into this since I was going to do the models from Descent I anyway. I am not sure yet.

All and all my fellow Material Defenders, it seems like after years of loyal service, we're finally gonna get that paycheck.

PS: I don't really want to say anything but... There was a Class 1 Drone hanging around here today.


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