
Author Topic: News about Nintendo and suggestion for Descent to become official DS game  (Read 19065 times)

Offline NUMBERZero

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1. New update for the DSi

SO! Nin10DOH is coming out with a new update smetime in the fall that allows you to send pics to Facebook. Big w00t. But here's the real kicker. The devil is in the details. They are making it even harder to play pirated or homebrew games. Big N's going to cause Big Trouble for DScent. There still may be a work around, but it sounds to be a small window.

2. Get Interplay to make DScent themselves

Sadly, this idea maybe rubbing out our homebrewers, but this could also help save Interplay's ass in it's revenew. I'm sure they have a copy of the game lying around somewhere. All they need to do is to find some way to put everything into the game card and make efficient controls. No need to take the time to come up with story or concept. They can take that extra time to advertise the game waaaay better than before. Oh, and considering how powerful the DS is (better than the ROOM SIZED computers used during the moon missions), I'd bet they can fit in the cutcenes from the PlayStation version! A choice between Redbook and the (IMO) awsome MIDI would be nice!

 My controls idea:
D-pad up: forward
 left: slide left
 (and you get the picture with that)
 Touch Screen: Has the a mini-map and it controls the ship. Touch buttons for weapon select. Touch button to drop proxmine.
 Left trigger: Primaries
 Right trigger (pinkey can do this if you are right handed): Secondaries


BTW, this was all done on my DSi. :P
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Offline -<WillyP>-

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That's not a bad idea, since it's already been ported to the DS is shouldn't be too big an investment... Unless Nintendo demands a big licensing fee.
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Offline Scyphi

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I don't see Interplay going for it, tho, for some reason. :-\
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Offline Kaizerwolf

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I have to agree with Scyphi here. Interplay hasn't exactly made many smart choices in the past, and as far as i'm concerned, they're going to run out of the Fallout Franchise money pretty soon.

Offline NUMBERZero

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Only one guy could work on this and have it done in a month or so with their special tools. If an average Joe without any development team can port D1 onto the DS, a big company with all of their staff can. This could cost them very little.
"I hate not being able to move in three dimensions. Cramps my style." -Cpt. Jack "Heartbreak One" Bartlett (Ace Combat 5)

Offline Scyphi

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Logic for Interplay runs in the exact opposite manner than you suggest, tho. If it doesn't spend huge amounts of money, they're not interested. C'mon, since when has Interplay ever been a well managed business? :P

If you really think the idea will fly, tho, then ya better act upon it. Send a letter to Interplay and suggest it or something like that. :)
"I thought I had a great idea, but it never really took off. In fact, it didn't even get on the runway. I guess you could say it exploded in the hanger." -Calvin and Hobbes
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Offline D2Disciple

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It's an idea, but knowing the marketing skills of Interplay, it probably won't take place.

Reminds me of a Dilbert cartoon once...

"I'm thinking of inventing an underwater barbecue." -Dilbert
"Does it have to work underwater?" -Marketing
"What's innovative about an ordinary barbecue?" -Dilbert
"Actually, does it have to be a barbecue?" -Marketing

I, for one, hope this is much, much more than a reconnaissance mission.

Offline Zantor

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Re: News about Nintendo and suggestion for Descent to become official DS game
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2009, 08:59:52 AM »
Do you have an article or blog entry to back this? I'm skeptical if you don't have something to back it.

Offline -<WillyP>-

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Re: News about Nintendo and suggestion for Descent to become official DS game
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2009, 09:43:04 AM »
Well with Interplay now being sued by Bethesda(sp?) it's probably a moot point anyway.
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Offline NUMBERZero

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Re: News about Nintendo and suggestion for Descent to become official DS game
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2009, 12:10:49 PM »
The update:

The game:

The video:
(This is back in 07 so the update was not present at the time)

The company (duh :P):
http://www.interplay.com/ (we all know Interplay so you don't really need to click this link ;))

The bad news:

So yeah. WillyP's right. :'(
"I hate not being able to move in three dimensions. Cramps my style." -Cpt. Jack "Heartbreak One" Bartlett (Ace Combat 5)

Offline Zantor

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Re: News about Nintendo and suggestion for Descent to become official DS game
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2009, 07:50:59 PM »
Why is Bethesda suing Interplay? I thought Interplay sold the rights to Fallout.

Edit: Oh, I see. Heh, Bethesda is basically saying Interplay screwed them over.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 07:53:09 PM by Zantor »

Offline Scyphi

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Re: News about Nintendo and suggestion for Descent to become official DS game
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2009, 06:00:59 AM »
And they did. Bethesda listed all the reasons they're suing them, and you can't doubt that Interplay blew it. Again. Dang it, Interplay...next time don't blow it until after you make our D4! :P
"I thought I had a great idea, but it never really took off. In fact, it didn't even get on the runway. I guess you could say it exploded in the hanger." -Calvin and Hobbes
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Offline Zantor

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Re: News about Nintendo and suggestion for Descent to become official DS game
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2009, 04:26:46 PM »
I don't think that Interplay will pull out of their pit of problems enough to take off again.

Offline Scyphi

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Re: News about Nintendo and suggestion for Descent to become official DS game
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2009, 05:21:00 AM »
You and me both, Zantor. :(
"I thought I had a great idea, but it never really took off. In fact, it didn't even get on the runway. I guess you could say it exploded in the hanger." -Calvin and Hobbes
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Offline -<WillyP>-

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Re: News about Nintendo and suggestion for Descent to become official DS game
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2009, 03:01:25 PM »
I tend to agree, but then, they are already, what something like 12 million in the hole already? So what's another few mil on top of that? And how much could they be netting from Fallout now anyway? Still, now they can't take the promise of an mmorpg to the bank. That could be more of a setback than any financial repercussions from the lawsuit.
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