
Author Topic: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?  (Read 21223 times)

Offline Matthew

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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #45 on: May 10, 2012, 10:46:09 PM »
Generally speaking, WillyP, calling somebody else something before they claim to be so themselves can be taken as an insult, especially in the tone in which you use it. You make it clear you don't like liberals, in the same post as calling people liberals and making generalized assumptions of liberals.

I think You're being a Typical conservative, so deep-rooted in your old-fashioned political BS to really see anything.

You don't see how that's rude?

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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #46 on: May 11, 2012, 04:33:53 AM »
Ok, now point out where I said anything even close to that.
Smart people look like crazy people to stupid people.

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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #47 on: May 11, 2012, 07:24:40 AM »
How have I disrespected anyone's views? So typical of the liberal crowd, any disagreement is intolerable, except your own.
That's pretty much the same thing from where I'm sitting. I crossed out the beginning because it comes across a lot ruder when you do that (which you did).

Better question: Why do we have to be OMG LIBERAL and OMG CONSERVATIVE? Why can't we just be people with a wide spectrum of views on how to solve problems? That's the first problem that America needs to solve before we can go anywhere, and I blame the 2-party system.

ALSO: Topic split por favor?

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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #48 on: May 11, 2012, 08:42:31 AM »
I don't see how these are similar, mine was a response to specific thing, and in a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black, my point is proven true.

Under a similar context I would not be offended by your statement. However, note the difference, mine is critical of an attitude, yours is just an attempt at being intentionally insulting. Mine was not directed at an individual, yours was personal.

And you don't have to be "OMG LIBERAL and OMG CONSERVATIVE", or either one, for that matter. It's your choice. I choose my views based on the evidence I have at hand. Many of my opinions run counter to the "Typical conservative, ... old-fashioned political BS". So you see, we CAN be "people with a wide spectrum of views on how to solve problems". Or at least I can.
Smart people look like crazy people to stupid people.

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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #49 on: May 11, 2012, 08:55:04 AM »
Hmm...me thinks we're caught in a circular argument now that'll only end until someone budges on their views (honestly I don't care if anyone does or not)...

Me, I'm grabbing a parachute and bailing from this burning thread. Anybody care to join me?
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Offline Foil

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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #50 on: May 11, 2012, 09:19:15 AM »
For a moment I thought the attempts at deference and diplomacy might have saved the thread, but I think egos are now driving it off the cliff.

I think I'll join you in the parachute exit, Scy. <waves>
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 09:21:54 AM by Foil »

Offline Kaiaatzl

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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #51 on: May 11, 2012, 09:46:24 AM »
I'm not even bothering with the parachute.  It's gotta be only a few meters down from here. :P

Offline Matthew

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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #52 on: May 11, 2012, 02:31:00 PM »
I don't see how these are similar, mine was a response to specific thing, and in a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black, my point is proven true.

Under a similar context I would not be offended by your statement. However, note the difference, mine is critical of an attitude, yours is just an attempt at being intentionally insulting. Mine was not directed at an individual, yours was personal.

And you don't have to be "OMG LIBERAL and OMG CONSERVATIVE", or either one, for that matter. It's your choice. I choose my views based on the evidence I have at hand. Many of my opinions run counter to the "Typical conservative, ... old-fashioned political BS". So you see, we CAN be "people with a wide spectrum of views on how to solve problems". Or at least I can.
And you choose what other people are based on evidence at hand. Which is the problem I have with what you're doing here. I'm not a liberal or conservative, so you're calling me a pot and I'm calling you black.

Surely, no conservative has ever overreacted to anything, only liberals do something so silly.

Offline Kaiaatzl

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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #53 on: May 11, 2012, 04:51:18 PM »
Just drop it.  There's no way either of you can convince the other to be civil when you're both acting like this.  And I mean that for everyone who has gotten involved in this argument, including me.  Each of us has a ton of problems with what many other people in this thread are saying.  Do you know what I say?  I say lock the thread.  And I should have said that sooner.

I doubt any of us are career politicians and we don't need to destroy our "buddyships" with other people on this board like they do in Question Period.

And no mod or admin is going to go trying to get the last word by making the last post right before they lock the thread -- unless they really are admitting that they're being rude.  Because that would be undeniably rude.  And, come to think of it, cowardly.

So this post will be the last post in this thread.  And that is an order.  I don't care who carries it out.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 05:11:33 PM by Kaiaatsel »

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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #54 on: May 11, 2012, 09:43:22 PM »
* TechPro readies the lock keys.

One, just one more post that continues the argument and I'll slam the lock on this thread.

There was a request to split the thread a few posts back but even the argument hashes the original topic ... Would be very difficult to split without destroying the original topic.  Either the argument ends now or the thread will be locked.


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Re: Who else thinks kids nowadays are effed in the head?
« Reply #55 on: May 12, 2012, 06:27:34 AM »
(let's just start fresh  :) )

I saw a TV show where this guy is seeing how the kids act, and I think he said something along the lines of the parents that aren't doing the job of raising the kids well.

Kids look up to the parents. They're the role models. They learn from them. A bad parent will most likely raise a bad kid. Not true 100% I know, but being surrounded by loved ones who get along, tend to do better later in life.
I have a GREAT family, and we all basically get along and are happy.


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