
Author Topic: top 5 cartoon and comic book villains  (Read 11511 times)

Offline Wraith-1

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Re: top 5 cartoon and comic book villains
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2012, 01:36:39 PM »
Either comic books are just a little bit before my time, or I just never got into them. But as a kid, the scariest enemies were the big green dudes in Commander Keen. *shudder*.

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Re: top 5 cartoon and comic book villains
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2012, 06:08:25 AM »
@Wraith: Which Keen? There are six, after all. Though I can probably rule out five and probably two, as I do not recall any green enemies in either.

@ Alieo: Ah, yes, typo on my part, will fix.

As for Power Rangers...I honestly just don't see the interest. Even when I was five or six and in the age group. An acquaintance made me sit down and watch an episode once (from the original series) and I ended up walking away from it unimpressed with the plot, the graphics, the acting, just...unimpressed about everything about it, and thought it was a really lame show. And I was six.

If you like though, I guess I can't stop you.  ::)
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Re: top 5 cartoon and comic book villains
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2012, 05:19:00 PM »
I suppose he could be talking about the "Garg" (Keen 1 enemies) ...

Though I'd bet he's talking about the Blooguard.  They were the biggest enemies to show up in multiple levels.  (Keen 6 enemies)

I suppose he could be talking about the "Arachnut" especially since Keen 4 is the most commonly found Keen episode. (Keen 4 enemies)

But certainly not the "Dopefish" since he's so ... dopey and quite single minded. (Keen 4 enemies)

Commander Keen - Enemies and Characters


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